What? I am not going to like ever movie just because Rufus is there. If you want to see good, entertaining Rufus films, check out:
- In a Savage Land – Beautiful epic, far-off island, true romance: https://pinartarhan.com/blog/in-a-savage-land-with-rufus-sewell/
- Dark City– Rufus Sewell stars with Jennifer Connelly and William Hurt. From Alex Proyas, director of another brilliant (if not better) cult film The Crow
- Martha, meet Frank, Daniel and Laurence:Co-star is Joseph Fiennes- fine little romcom: https://pinartarhan.com/blog/martha-meet-frank-daniel-and-laurence-fun-romcom-with-monica-potter-rufus-sewell-and-joseph-fiennes/
- Dangerous Beauty:Beautiful, romantic period drama, set in Venice. Starring Catherine McCormack and Rufus, with Oliver Platt, Jacqueline Bisset, Seymour and Naomi Watts as bonusses.
- The Illusionist– the graceful handsome lead is played by Edward Norton. The baddie is Rufus. Great mystery/drama/romance/thriller. There’s also Paul Giamatti: https://pinartarhan.com/blog/the-illusionist-with-edward-norton-and-jessica-biel/
There are of course more good Rufus films, but the ones above happen to my favorites. Having that gotten out of the way, here’s the plot of The Woodlanders (which will probably let you know why I didn’t like the movie):
Giles (Rufus Sewell) and Grace were childhood seethearts. They grew up together and being the nice and honest guy that Gile is, her father did approve of their love. But when Grace comes back home as an educated young woman, her father thinks she can and should do better than a woodsman. This breaks Giles’ heart but he can’t do anything abo?ut it, since Grace doesn’t seem merely bothered by her dad’s decision. In fact, she is enjoying the charms and the attention she is getting from a doctor. She marries him but as it turns out, her husband isn’t all that great and well, she still loves Giles…
OK. Pros and cons. Cons first:
1) Everything about the plot. Never mind having been told the same story over and over again, there is nothing fun or allutring in the way it was told. Parent wants better for daughter, ending up preventing her happiness. Yeah, yeah…
2) The actors. Yes, Rufus can act and he does. But the leading actress is playing Grace is so plain, boring and unattractive. Frankly, Ugly Betty would have made a better Grace, as Ugly Betty (I don’t even mean the real life version of America Ferrara). At least she has principles and a brain and character! It is not even if she chose money- he is just a doctor. Not a rich fellow, and an ugly one at that. And there you have Giles. Gorgeous and nice. Well, one flaw of Giles: he couldn’t get over Grace. How can you not get over Grace??? She isnt pretty, nice or intelligent. Well, I am guessing unhappiness serves Giles right- for being such an idiot.

3) The ending. Oh please…I wasn’t asking for a “let’s ride towards the sunset” type of ending but this is even worse.
1) Rufus Sewell is really pretty here. I mean he is so pretty, he would still be the pretty one even if they had cast a beautful actress as Grace.
That is it. Eye candy for Rufus fans. Why do you think I watched the movie despite the plot (though the fast forward button came in handy)? Come on, that doesn’t make me any more superficial than guys who watch Megan Fox for her “acting”.
3/10 for the movie
10/10 for Rufus youth and beauty
1/10 for the rest of the way the cast looks
6.4 on IMDB, but then again only 234 people have voted. I ain’t gonna vote. I can’t do that to dear Mr. Sewell…
IMDB: Never mind. Not many have voted anyway.