I thought about writing a “what on earth happened to you” sort of article for Tom Cruise, just like I did with Mel Gibson, but I thought it wouldn’t be fair. Because although Tom makes us question his sanity with his extreme commitment to Scientology and all the weird gossips going on around him, I still like him as an actor. Unlike Mel, Tom has not appeared in many movies that I don’t like, because apart from Eyes Wide Shut and War of the Worlds, I pretty much like all his work. His appearance also improved as he got older- from cute to sexy and attractive. In fact, the only problem I have with his appearance is his height. His 170 cm.s (5’7″) is not exactly star material. But hey, the guy is one of the richest in Hollywood and I believe his movies deserve that popularity.

I started to question his sanity after he broke up with Nicole Kidman. Sure heightwise they weren’t the most compatible, Kidman being 179 cm.s (5′ 10″) but lookswise, hell they looked so beautiful together. And they were married for what? 11 years? I know relationships go awry all the time and marriages are even harder but still…If they stuck together that long in Hollywood, there must once have been so strong between them. Now he is married to Katie Holmes.

If people are going to complain about Matthew McConaughey or Kate Hudson or Ryan Reynolds taking on the same roles, playing the same people, they should really take Katie Holmes to the top of their list. When I was about 14 or 15, I liked Dawson’s Creek. First 2 seasons or so were good-until it became a partner-swapping story. Oh, you know: three guys, 3 boys. Intra-group dating. You imagine the so-called drama and the complications. And Katie Holmes’ pouting. Oh my God, she was- and is- so annoying. She really has one facial expression. Her movie roles did not bring out anything new and for me, Tom’s marrying Holmes seemed like a step down. Nicole’s beauty and versatility as an actress and then to Holmes…Oh well, they seem happy together so I’ll shut up about it. But of course Katie added another thing to the list of things I don’t like about Cruise. Plus, everything about their relationship was so in our face, they were so hard to avoid. There was a time we talked about his movies right?
So leaving his personal life aside… Sometimes I think 80s and 90s were much better times to become stars. Think of Brad Pitt, Keanu Reeves and Tom Cruise- I am thinking it will be hard- if not impossible- to reach this kind of popularity and make this much money for male stars. Tom has evolved-both in appearance and acting-since his Risky Business days. He has played in comedy, drama, thriller, war, action and so on. He was nominated for an academy award for 3 times (2 for best actor and 1 for best supporting role). His harmless feel good movies such as Cocktail and Risky Business are classics. No need to mention Top Gun made him. Even though I find most Oliver Stone movies pretentious, I was genuinely touched by Born on the 4th of July. List goes on. But my favorite Tom Cruise ever is Jerry Maguire. It is one of the loveliest stories ever written and although it made me a follower of its writer/director Cameron Crowe, Jerry Maguire remains my fav.
Let’s take a trip in history:
(hey I can’t include everything, you know he has been in a lot of films!!!)

Yes, I still love his movies. As long as he doesn’t talk about his “religion” and stops trying to prove how much he loves Katie on Oprah (remember the time he jumped around on the couch???) , I’ll be fine.