I know I’ve posted only about The Following for the last couple of weeks, but it is the first time I’ve kept my promise (to myself) for writing regularly of a TV show that I really like. But worry not, a non-Following related post is on its way.
Until then, let’s take a look at another exciting episode:
(*Yes, there’ll be spoilers!)
To catch up with the episodes or refresh your memory, you can start with ……………
The kidnappers/Joe’s followers Emma (Valorie Curry), Paul (Adan Canto) and Jacob (Nico Tortorella) still have Joe’s son Joey, to the increasing panic of his mother Claire (Natalie Zea). After all they sent her an email showing him how to kill animals.
Ryan (Kevin Bacon) gets distracted, however, when Maggie, the lunatic wife of the Poe-masked killer Ryan killed, kidnaps his sister Jenny (Susan Misner) and tells him that she’ll let him go if he shows up unarmed and alone. Ryan’s biggest fan, and possibly only friend, Weston (Shawn Ashmore) convinces him to go along with, proving to be the sane and sensible person of the episode.
In the meantime, Jacob is left with the task of killing the girl Paul brought in, and Paul finally lets in Emma on Jacob’s secret: It’s not that they were actually having an affair when they were “pretending to be gay” – something Emma is already aware of. But that Jacob hasn’t killed anyone. This makes Emma more determined that it should be Jacob who kills the girl. But he isn’t ready so he lets her go. Unfortunately, she can’t run far without being wounded and recaptured by Paul and Emma-who seem to have formed a creepy new alliance over their killing experience and love for Paul.
Over in Brooklyn, as Weston tries to find a way in, Maggie has Ryan tied up, lying on makeshift table across her tied-up sister Jenny. Her plan is to make Jenny watch while her brother dies. There’s nothing that Ryan can do as she places magnetic fields on his chest, making his heart batteries stop.
Thankfully Weston comes in on time, saving Ryan and Jenny. Unfortunately, he ends up killing Maggie too, but now at least he has her phone and emails.
We get a few more flashbacks to Ryan and Claire relationship where Ryan decides to leave her for her own good. From what we can see, they are still in love with each other. But Ryan, being the good guy that he is, he doesn’t spend time with her other than to ask her how she’s doing and update her about the case.
MAD LOVE: Thoughts
- Ryan is being a boy scout for no good reason
It might be just me, but I can’t wait for Ryan to follow his heart and reignite his affair with Claire.
What’s the point of staying away from Claire when Joe Carroll (James Purefoy) is back in their lives with a vengeance and doesn’t seem likely to be leaving any time soon? Besides, Ryan is a bit too optimistic in thinking that a woman can leave her past behind just because the FBI agent related to the case broke up with her. Hello? A serial killer ex active again from prison, with followers all over the country, with her son kidnapped by 3 of them…Where fake backgrounds are professional enough to fool the FBI.
- Will Ryan smarten up?
Glad he’s armed again and all that, but what’s with trusting a lunatic to save his sister? Yes, it is the mistake every cop has ever done in pretty much any situation where the villain tells them “show up alone unarmed or he/she dies.” Right, because villains have always kept their word about not killing an innocent person. Please…
And this is not any villain, it is the psycho, revenge-seeking, Joe-following wife of the guy Ryan killed an episode ago.
OK, so even if we excuse Ryan’s panicked behavior, what the hell was he thinking not having his sister placed in protective custody? He has only one person to protect, so it’s not like FBI would deny him such a request. And since neither Carroll would play without Ryan, or they could crack the case without Ryan, all Ryan would have to do is to threaten to walk away.
But then again, I guess we should be lucky Ryan only really screwed up this time. Up until now, FBI was driving us crazy with their mistakes.
- The mad get madder- The Threesome
Well, considering Emma was OK with Paul and Jacob having played house for 3 years and she was already dating Jacob, it wouldn’t have been that hard for her to do some stuff with Paul. He is the hot one, after all.
And hey, since Paul and Jacob seem to be more bi than gay, being in a three-way relationship could be a better option than Paul or Emma killing the other one in her/his sleep.
Let’s add one more thing to the things poor Joey will need to solve in therapy.
- There’s a smart boy: Joey finds the phone
Claire’s son is smarter than he’s letting the kidnappers believe. He makes a mental note of where the cell phone is, which he’ll be using in the next episode where we are probably getting a confrontation between the FBI and the kidnappers.
Mad Love wasn’t that gory or disturbing. But it added some decent developments to the story. We got rid of another Joe follower, found out an interesting secret about Jacob, we had a scene where Emma and Paul made out other than fight or insult each other…We also got a creepy little information about Joe: he doesn’t mind if his following hasn’t killed anyone yet…They can join, and do the deed when they are ready…
What is your favorite episode so far?