Former evil Spike (James Marsters) who wants more than being a sex slave; former innocent virgin Buffy (Sarah Michelle Gellar) using the guys love to get over her feeling of disconnection and apathy.

Oh, that’s really funny. So I like the guy playing the vampire and the character he portraits. But when you think about it, this girl lost her virginity to the love of her life -Angel (David Boreanaz)- missed him for years to come- she was in college when she met another boyfriend. So Spike is technically the 3rd guy she has been with. She has switched from the girl next door to sex-crazed, “let’s have the sex and not the conversation” type of person? And Spike is considered to be the 2nd most dangerous and vicious vampire, the first being Angel(us) , and now he would give everything and do anything to be with her? You so enjoy this. It is also fun to watch Spike turn into your favorite character…
So after they have this mind-blowing sex, Buffy wakes up and is like “shit, what the hell have I done”. Of course Spike is enjoying his sex appeal on Buffy- this is the only effect he has on her and only this to hold on to. And her mixed signals continue. She refuses to look at him or talk to him (like they used to), impatient and aggressive when he is being just friendly. So basically he does have to act like an asshole sometimes -just to get his point across. At one point- after a marathon of sex- he asks her if she even likes him. And she answers “sometimes” seriously- she did deserve the bitch queen award so many times.
And then at one point, although she enjoys being with him, she shouldn’t be with him. He does love her, she is just using him and she breaks up with him.
At the wedding of 2 gang members (marrying each other), she sees Spike and a goth girl he has brought as a date. When she catches him alone, she goes over. They have the sweetest conversation.
Buffy: Nice attempt to make me jealous.
Spike: Did it work?
Buffy: A little.In case you are wildly curious, yeah, it hurts.
Spike: Sorry..I mean GOOD. (they smile at each other)
Buffy: I should pro..
Spike:We could go..
Buffy:No,you have every right to be here.
Spike: We should leave…
Buffy: To your place?
Spike: That was the plan, yeah. (meaning what he’s supposed to be) Evil.
Here, Spike is a little awkward, shy yet friendly. And so is Buffy. And ironically enough, for the first time, they seem to be catching the same frequency.
Oh, Spike leaves and misses the big scene. The guy leaves the girl at the altar, at a sudden and strong rush of panic…
But of course it is not really that easy for anyone to get over such strong feelings at the snap of fingers. So Spike went to the magic shop- where Buffy and friends work and hang out…He actually wants something supernatural to get over his pain. The girl who was left at the altar is there and she offers a bottle of alcohol. They talk and get along and understand each other. They are both angry, hard-broken and fragile. And after being the shoulder to cry on for one another, they take it one step forward. And they have sex. It is passionate and full of longing, yet it is much more intimate and gentle-compared to what Buffy and Spike did. The catch? Everybody found out. Worse, everybody watched it because some villain had placed a camera in the shop, none of them knew, while discovering where the camera was- buffy and the girl’s ex saw them. So the ex went over to kill Spike, Buffy went to stop him.
Ironic and funny things:
1) The guy is angry& furious she had sex. As a girl, I would probably kick his ass right there. Because as evil as he was Spike was before-even he didn’t treat his girlfriend like that.
2) Buffy looked hurt. Oh boy
3) The guy who never liked Angel and liked Spike even less- used to make fun of Spike’s feelings for Buffy all the time. Like she would never have anything to do with him. And Spike never said anything- even when they were having sex- just because Buffy didn’t want it known.
Of course at this point he just said:
“(meaning his body)” It was good enough for Buffy…
After this point- Spike did one really horrible thing.
To be cont.’d.
Previously on Buffy:
Buffy The Vampire Slayer: A Love Story with a REAL Twist
Buffy The Vampire Slayer: A Love Story with a Real Twist 2
Part 4:
Buffy The Vampire Slayer: A Love Story with a Real Twist 4
Notes on other vampires like Lestat, Dracula and the Twilight vampires:
Twilight Saga and The Rest of The Cullen Family
Pattinson vs. Edward Cullen: The Cute Robert Pattinson, The Beautiful Edward Cullen