Pippa Mcgee (Heather Graham) is a beautiful, free-spirited, fun-loving and committed-phobic girl. She makes a living as a freelance travel writer and loves her fun and responsibility free life. She absolutely hates the pink bridesmaid dress she has to wear. She doesn’t enjoy weddings either. And it is at this wedding that she meets a handsome stranger, Ian (David Sutcliffe). But to her surprise and disappointed, this cute and witty guy doesn’t really want to make out with a drunk girl who won’t really remember anything in the morning. Trust Pippa to find the one decent and old-fashioned guy around.
Bu?t Pippa’s carefree life takes a blow when her father Malcolm (Bruce Gray) has a heart-attack. Since he has to rest for a long while, he leaves it to Pippa to run his bridal magazine. Pippa involuntarily agrees and tries to adjust to the idea that she will have to be tuned in on anything bridal. But she is in for a surprise, when that handsome stranger- Ian- turns out to be a trusted employee of her father and he is willing to stick around and help her out. Pippa now has to deal with faltering sales, men who want to take over the magazine, her romance with the handsome photographer Hemingway Jones (Taye Tiggs) and her hard to define attraction for Ian…
Cake is a fun romantic comedy that has two potential romances going for it. Pippa first meets David Sutcliffe’s Ian and then Taye Diggs’ Hemingway. But it is pretty apparent she has a lot in common with Hemingway, so he starts dating him. But then again maybe opposites do attract and she and Ian are not exactly opposites after all. Of course you can guess who she will end up with. Of course you know things will work out for Pippa one way or the other. The reason to watch romcoms- especially the conventional ones- is just to see how the ride goes, not how it ends. That being said, this is a romantic comedy for girls. Yes, a guy who is a fan of the genre can enjoy it and Heather Graham is gorgeous. But other than that, I can honestly say most guys won’t really enjoy the plot.
Sandra Oh co-stars as Pippa’s best friend and it is refreshing to see her in a role other than Grey’s Anatomy’s Christina.
Written by Tassie Cameron and directed by Nisha Ganatra. Ignore the imdb rating if you like a decent romcom. It is 4.8 I’ll give it a 6, minimum.
For guy-friendly romantic comedies, you can check out:
The Invention of Lying starring Ricky Gervais
Ghost Town starring Ricky Gervais and Téa Leoni
Forgetting Sarah Marshall starring Jason Segel, Mila Kunis, Kristen Bell and Russell Brand
What Women Want starring Mel Gibson and Helen Hunt
Yes Man starring Jim Carrey and Zooey Deschanel
500 Days of Summer starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel
Shallow Hal starring Jack Black and Gwyneth Paltrow
And three more fun movies with romance, comedy and action:
- Knight and Day starring Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz – this one is action and comedy dominant but it is romantic as well.
- Bird on a Wire Mel Gibson and Goldie Hawn– Same genre as Knight and Day
- The Sorcerer’s Apprentice– while it is mainly fantasy and adventure/action, it is also quite romantic too.