On the surface, Rabbit Hole doesn’t have a story we haven’t seen before. In fact, it is something we saw many, many times: a couple trying to cope with the death of their kid. But what does attract me to Rabbit Hole movie is the actors. The husband and wife are played by Aaron Eckhart and Nicole Kidman. With the exception one disappointment from Aaron Eckheart (Conversations with Other Women was a fairly boring, dialogue-heavy movie) and a couple more disappointments from Nicole Kidman (I mean- what the hell is she thinking with the movie Fur? And I really can’t stand Moulin Rouge), I like watching the works of these two.
Co-starring are Dianne Wiest and Grey’s Anatomy’s Christina- Sandra Oh.
Rabbit Hole is based on an award winning-play. Written for the screen by David Lindsay-Abaire, directed by John Cameron Mitchell. It looks like a good, heart-felt yet fairly depressing movie.