Lincoln 6 Echo (Ewan McGregor) lives in a high-tech facility with many others who have survived a deadly contamination. The survivors have very healthy, productive yet artificial lives where even the “sun rays” are artificially provided.
All people have jobs, and while socializing and friendship are encouraged, anger and physical contact aren’t. All these survivors one day hope to move out to “The Island”- the last contamination-free zone on the planet, a slice of heaven. The lucky ones are chosen by a lottery system.
The place is run by Dr. Merrick (Sean Bean) and he makes sure curiosity doesn’t corrupt the system, and so far only Lincoln is really questioning things. Why do they all have to wear white? Who organizes things? Why can’t they make their own choices or rules?
Luckily for Lincoln, there is a supervisor (Steve Buscemi) that remembers what the real world was like and doesn’t mind talking to Lincoln about it. And it is during these conversations that we realize the survivors barely know anything outside of what they have been thought- they don’t know things like slang, kissing, sex, law, greed or cloning…
While Lincoln longs for a more fulfilling life, he is content with one thing: his friendship with Jordan 2 Delta (Scarlett Johansson), a female survivor he has formed a very close bond with. So he is not exactly happy when she is the next lottery winner. But his curiosity leads him to a shocking discovery: their health and well-being only concern the doctors and the supervisors until they fill their purpose: be it delivering a baby for a mother, donation of organs…And “The Island” is a code name for death.
He wastes no time in running away with Jordan, with all the facility guards after them and later the extremely determined mercenaries (lead by Djimon Hounsou’s character.)
As hard as it is, they realize that their survival instinct and desire to live overcome any shortcomings they might have.
Like sci-fi/action with a Realistic Romance & Critically Acclaimed Actors? See The Island.
Written by Caspian Tredwell-Owen, Alex Kurtzman & Roberto Orci and directed by Michael Bay, The Island is a sci-fi action that delivers a friendship/romance that feels more genuine than many dramas or romantic films. It also has its funny moments, without overplaying the elements and trying slapstick. It has a great cast, and you can hardly be disappointed when Buscemi is the panicking yet helpful sidekick (Desperado, anyone?) and Sean Bean is a heartless villain.
I especially loved the innocence Ewan McGregor and Scarlett Johansson integrated into their performances.
Fun Notes:
– You get double Ewan McGregor when Lincoln meets his human counterpart, Tom Lincoln: nerdy, Scottish,immature, and not morally developed.
– Real life Jordan is a famous model, and she first discovers kissing when she sees a commercial with her kissing another male model (Trent Ford.)
– McGregor is 13 years older than Johansson, though I don’t think you can tell.
Please feel free to leave spoiler-full comments. : )
Also on the cast:
Salmon Fishing in the Yemen: Gorgeous, Entertaining & Heartfelt
The Ghost Writer starring Ewan McGregor, Pierce Brosnan and Kim Catrall
Scarlett Johansson Trivia: Star of Iron Man 2 , Match Point & The Prestige
Equilibrium starring Christian Bale: Powerful, Action-Filled, Spot-On Observation of Human Nature
Recommended Movies – Sci-Fi/Action focused on Human Nature
Equilibrium starring Christian Bale: Powerful, Action-Filled, Spot-On Observation of Human Nature
Gattaca starring Ethan Hawke, Uma Thurman and Jude Law