This is not about critics, imdb ratings or box office results. It is my favorites from one of my fav. actors. If you want to share your thoughts on Gerard, you are more than welcome to do it here.
1) Law Abiding Citizen (2009)
This movie is a wonderful thriller that makes you question a lot of things, including who the bad guys/good guys in the movie. I side with Gerard Butler’s Clyde on most of his avenging acts, despite a couple of things. This movie isn’t perfect but it is pretty damn good. If you like your story smart, your “hero” on the “darker” side and enjoy a good revenge story, do not miss it. For the ones who have seen it, here is a review:
2) Butterfly on a wheel (2007)
I tend to like a movie more if it has some of the actors I love. This movie has 3: Pierce Brosnan, Gerard Butler and Maria Bello. A perfect marriage, a perfect kidnapping, an unpredictable criminal with strange requests. Or maybe the crime makes perfect sense and our “hero” Neil is not so perfect after all. No spoilers.
3) Please (1999)
Award-winning short film with Butler in the lead. My review on the film includes the youtube link where you can watch the whole movie:
4) The Ugly Truth (2009)
Men are cocky, superficial and all you need to get one is to be thin, own some hot lingerie and give blow-jobs. Women are hopeless dreamers who are equally supeficial. They want romance if it is provided by a handsome guy with a good job. Or maybe things aren’t just simple and the truth isn’t that ugly. This R-rated romantic comedy shows us some reality with hilarious scenes, likable characters and predictable yet enjoyable twists. For the review including screen shots:
One modest sweetheart of a movie that wins you over with the acting and storytelling; not with the originality of the script. Frankie is a smart but deaf boy raised by his mother and grandmother. Their whereabouts are hidden from his violent father. His mother Lizzie does everything to protect him from the truth, so she writes to him as his father: a nice man, a sailor who can not be with them because of work. Of course a coincidence forces Lizzie to find a man to pose as the father. What she hasn’t planned on how this stranger (Gerard Butler) will connect both with her and Frankie:
6) P.S I love you (2007)
Holly (Swank) and Gerry (Butler) are a happily married couple and still madly in love. When Gerry suddenly dies, Holly has difficulty in coping. However Gerry has planned ahead: He has written to Holly that are to arrive at specific times after his death. Bittersweet romantic drama/comedy. For the trailer:
7) Attila (2001)
An epic TV film based on the life of Atilla, leader of the Huns. It has all the glory of an epic picture should have: nice battle sequences, love,loss,pain,treachery,lust…:
8 ) Lara Croft: The Cradle of Life (2003)
Sequel to the first Lara Croft. Is it just me or is Angelina Jolie the best actress to play a video game character ever? She has the looks and the stamina. And who better than Butler to provide the sexual tension? Check out the longer review with pictures:
9) Timeline (2003)
A group of archeology students are forced to travel in time to save one of their friends’ father. It doesn’t help that they find themselves in France in the middle of the war with England, in 21st century. The fact that one of them is French doesn’t help. Paul Walker and Gerard Butler star. Funny, full of action and very romantic:
A widower biologist father (Gerard Butler) and his daughter Nim live on a recluded Pacific island. Nim loves this life and reading adventure books by Alex Rover. What she doesn’t know that the real Alex is an agoraphobic female (Jodie Foster) – unlike the Indiana Jonesque Alex she imagined. All hell breaks loose when Alex needs to get out to save Nim from trouble…For more details and the trailer: