Sex and The City 2: It rocked. Forget the Negative Reviews!
The girls are back!!! If you want to know what went around in the show, check out the tv show trivia and if you need to remember what went on in the first movie, visit Sex and The City The Movie
Now, the second film:
Carrie (Sarah Jessica Parker) and Big (Chris Noth) are about to celebrate their wedding anniversary. Charlotte (Kristin Davis) has always gotten the family she wanted-she has two beautiful daughters and she is happy with her husband Harry (Evan Handler). Miranda (Cynthia Nixon) and Steve (David Eigenberg) are back and happy together. Samantha (Kim Catrall) is…well… Samantha.
Of course things are not as smooth as they first might seem:
Carrie is afraid Big is getting too comfortable in their marriage. She starts to freak out that they will turn into a boring old married couple. After all, Big is too fond of watching TV, ordering and staying in. She is now working on her new book and this time it is about marriage.
Samantha is over 50 and she is dealing with the side-effects of menopause in a very Samantha way: taking as many pills as she can so that she can “trick her body into thinking it is younger” and it seems to be working. Her libido is back and her hot flushes are under control. She is in fact the happiest of the bunch.
Miranda and Steve are great as a couple but Miranda’s now asshole of a colleague is giving her nightmares. For the first time in her life, Miranda is dreading her office and hating her job. It doesn’t seem worth the trouble that she is missing out on all of her son Brady’s important moments.
Charlotte is about to have a nervous breakdown. Her baby won’t stop crying. In fact she is so relentless and loud, she could have been a perfect commercial for promoting birth control. And despite being a mild child, her oldest Lily is sick of all the attention Rose is getting. Thankfully, her nanny (Alice Eve) is a godsent, She is sweet, lovely and really great with the kids. But one problem: She is a young, pretty blonde with big breasts. And she doesn’t wear bras….
So when Samantha meets her ex Smith’s (Jason Lewis) movie producer, a very rich man from Abu Dhabi and the gets a job offer, the girls are presented with the chance to an all expenses paid vacation. They will have a chance to get away from it all and there will be 4 of them- without the kids and the men. Just what they all needed. However, how smart is it really for Samantha to be in a Muslim city where most of the population doesn’t consist of modern, new generation Muslims but old-fashioned, ultra-traditional and conventional people? Where women mostly cover all of their bodies and hair and so do men? It gets much worse when she meets an attractive Danish architect (Max Ryan) and well…wants to do him.
But the greatest yet the worst thing happens to Carrie when he runs into Aidan (John Corbett), the second love of her life. The guy she almost married… Are they truly over each other? Will it be a reunion for “two old friends” or is she actually playing with fire as Charlotte suggested?
The expectations, The IMDB rating and the criticisms
The TV series are rated at 7.1 on IMDB. An HBO series, Sex and The City was the first show on TV where people-women-talked so openly and “shamelessly” about sex. While Britain’s highly successful sitcom Coupling’s characters talks just as freely about sex and the issues related with it, Sex and The City dared to “show” everything. And no issue was ever out of boundaries. Any type of sex, any awkward/hot/conventional/unconventional thing about sex was welcome. It was set in New York. It was all about glamour, sex, dating, love, relationships, friendship and well…shopping.
I was surprised that the first movie was only rated 5.4. Many people seemed to be disturbed by the fact that there was less sex and less sex talk. But it was essential to the story and it made sense. Because Miranda and Steve did have a dry spell going on. Miranda was too busy working and she was tired and well, Steve screwed up. Carrie and Big were happy at first but it is Carrie Bradshaw we were talking about. And Sarah Jessica Parker. She never once showed her breasts or butt in the 6 years of the show. And yes, she had hot moments with Big but remember Big was elusive and commitment-phobic He was also in his 40s when the show aired. In the movie, he was now in his mid-50s, in a steady relationship. He also screwed up a wedding and they broke up. Carrie and Big were separate for a good portion of the movie. And after 10 years of being desperately in love with Big, did anyone expect Carrie to go out there and act like single again? Seriously. Charlotte and Harry were happy and had a good, healthy sex life but nothing to write home about. Even Samantha was steady in a relationship with Smith. But hey, it didn’t stop her from wanting more, talking all dirty and fantasizing about her next door neighbor whose body and sexcapades we really got to see. There was of course a little less of Manhattan. But then again, Samantha was in L.A. and Miranda lived in Brooklyn. I watched all the episodes of the series and enjoyed the experience. I got to relate to the characters and even though there is usually one character you relate the most, there was a part of each character in me. I was never the same age with the girls. I was 14 when the show started and al little older when I discovered it.
Now, I am 26. Still, I find the show, the characters and the movies very relatable, very fun and just as true to life.
You should see the message boards and the movie reviews. The characters are called sexist and superficial. Hello??? When in the series were they deeper or more intellectual? They were who they were and we loved them for it. It was all about New York and shopping and sex and dating but it was more about friendship than anything else. Some – and I am guessing men- said the leading women were plain ugly or just got too old. Hello??? They got older, got more wrinkles. It is a fact of life. Shit happens. They may not look just as great. Deal with it!
Now, I actually laughed at the 3.8 rating for the second film. If anything, it was funnier and a lot more pleasant than the first. No one was in depression Samantha was single again as she was always meant to be. But hell, she can’t always be that active at 52, dealing with menopause.
Well, you can’t expect Steve and Miranda to bang each other every time they are in the same room together. And how is this not nice or good enough? Do people expect Miranda to talk about “skid marks”?
The characters are where they are meant to be. They grew older, but they are still who they are. Adding Abu Dhabi was a great idea because it was a great and rare opportunity for the girls to be away from all other distractions. Plus, Carrie got to run into Aidan. I don’t know about you, but Aidan was my favorite male ever to have appeared on the show. He was actually too good to be true: Nice, fun, funny, sweet, romantic, loyal, interesting. He also didn’t smoke and he loved rocknroll. And all this package had came in the shape of the tall and handsome actor John Corbett.
Aidan and Carrie had one-OK two-passionate, loving relationships that ended in disasters. The first time they were together, Carrie had screwed everything up by cheating on Aidan with Big. When she told Aidan, he naturally left. When they got backtogether and Carrie earned back his trust, Aidan wanted to marry her but she wasn’t ready. So he left. Aidan was never over Carrie. And as a fan, I was definitely not over Aidan….
It was good seeing him again, even though I thought he acted a little out of character.
I don’t know about you but I got exactly what I was looking for. And after the ceremony, I cared about what would happen to these four girls and I thought Michael Patrick King-writer/director/producer got things right. It is a journey. And it is a fun one.
I related to this women and it is nice to see how they grew up. Pluse they threw in interesting cameos in the form of Penelope Cruz, Lisa Minelli and Miley Cyrus.
It is for fun. I went to see the movie with three girlfriends of mine and we all had a great time. Even though, the story probably finished for good, I wouldn’t mind a 3rd film. Not that nothing much is left to say. But hey, I just like the characters. Maybe the reason so many people didn’t like the film(s) is that they felt things lost the charm when everyone got their happy ending. After all we watched Big being elusive for 6 years and never knew his name until the last episode. Now we know his name, surname and he is mature and sweet and reliable. There was an episode in the 3rd season where Carrie felt uneasy because things were so smooth with Aidan. Maybe people are just hooked on seeing drama for drama’s sake. The episode is called Drama Queens. Maybe some fans should revisit it?