And the world’s bestselling vampires, shapeshifters and the luckiest plain girl are back!
If you are about to see Eclipse, and haven’t seen or read Twilight or New Moon, I wrote the ultimate background guides. It provides you all the info you need to enjoy the films more:
Twilight Saga 101: 33 Things You Should Know About Twilight Before Seeing New Moon
Twilight Saga 102: 24 Things You Should Know About New Moon Before Seeing Eclipse

Bella Swan the human (Kristen Stewart) and Edward Cullen the vampire (Robert Pattinson) are together and still very much in love. However, they have some problems:
– After everything Bella has gone through (the dangers in Twilight and the depression in New Moon), her father Charlie (Billy Burke) is not, naturally, fond of Edward. Of course he is still clueless that he is a vampire.
– Charlie would rather have Bella spend time with his friend’s son-Bella’s best friend -Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner). Well, Charlie is also clueless that Jacob is a shapeshifter that can turn into a wolf. However Bella and Jacob are not exactly in good terms. After all he is in love with her and he despises Edward to the core. And Edward also hates Jacob.
– The Volturi (led by Dakota Fanning’s Jane) want Bella to turn into a vampire. Bella has been wanting this since the first movie. Edward now has no choice, but he has made one condition. She has to marry him.
– And Bella is not exactly sure how she will be explain to her parents that she will marry her boyfriend at the age of 18 and she is not even pregnant. And if she does agree to marry Edward, how will Jacob handle it?
Despite the complications, Bella won’t give up on either Jacob or Edward. She makes piece with Jacob again but Jacob still loves pissing Edward off and vice versa. He makes it clear to Bella that he won’t give up the fight for her heart. But as he finds out, she will willingly turn into a vampire and he is disgusted by the idea. Still, he says he will be fighting for her until her heart stops beating (as a human).
While Bella is caught in between the love of her life and her best friend/the second love of her life, there is another and much bigger problem. An army of newborn vampires are terrorizing Seatlle, led by a local Forks boy-turned-vampire led by Riley. As the Cullens explain, newborn vampires are at their strongest, most vicious and most uncontrollable. They are suspecting that their number one vampire enemy Victoria is behind it and they are right. As the Volturi (currently lead by Aro’s sister Jane Volturi) don’t seem to be doing anything so it is up to the Cullens to protect Bella, the town and each other. When Jacob and his friends realize how big the threat is, they decide to join on the fight. After all, as Jacob puts it, they will at least get to kill some vampires.
So it is up to Jasper Cullen (Jackson Rathbone) to train both his family and the werewolves to train against the newborns. Jasper has a history of fighting wars-both humans and creating/training newborns.
This fight will force Edward and Jacob to try to put their differences behind. But can they manage to deal with Bella’s feelings for each of them and beat a vicious army at the same time?
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Scene Video:
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This movie is fun. It is at the height of mindless entertainment. It is rated a 4.6 on IMDB but if there is something about the movie I will rated below that, it is the wolves. Just like New Moon, they do look ridiculous. Yeah, wolves that big are not meant to be realistic but they should look a bit less funny.
Apart from that, this is an enjoyable experience, especially if you try and not to get tangled up in the hype of hatred. So vampires shine in the sun instead of bursting into flames? Get over that already! There are vampires who fall in love with humans and refuse to suck human blood and try to make amends for their past mistakes and sins. I’d have thought after Buffy, Moonlight and True Blood, people would get used to the idea of nice vampires. And yes, pretty vampires. If you love Dracula’s make-up, fine. Watch that. The ugly vampire faces from Buffy are so 90s and as much as I love True Blood, the teeth look ridiculous. Oh sure, the vampires in Twilight get unflattering make-up too but hey they are vampires. They do have to look at least a little off and unnatural.
Are you bothered with the almost fairy tale like romance? Fine. Don’t see the movie. Or if it makes you happy to hate it and then complain about it, sure-by all means go for it. But don’t go saying the movie has been the worst experience of your life because
a) If this movie has been the worst movie you have ever seen, you take everything far too seriously and b) you have done it to yourself.
This movie is not a horror film and it is not a thriller. It is a romance movie with vampires that happen to have some nice fighting sequences attached to it. Twilight was never meant to be scary or impressive in the horror/thriller department.
Could it be done better? Probably. But is it just alright the way it is? Yeah. It involves pretty people Not just for girls- guys are bound to find at least one of the female characters pretty. The blonde Rosalie Cullen (Nikki Reed), the adorable Alice (Ashley Greene), the fiery redhead Victoria (Bryce Dallas Howard) and of course the plain yet pretty brunette Kristen Stewart.
Frankly, I found this movie’s most interesting character to be Jasper. He no longer looks like Edward Scissorhands but more like a little made-up but gorgeous glam rocker. He is cool, charismatic, fun and has a better haircut. His past and his training scenes make for a nice sub-plot. And as if the girls were complaining about the lack of the pretty men, we know get another hunk in the form of Riley, played by Australian Xavier Samuel. One of my friends even complained that he should be playing Edward.
The movie also includes decent jokes and fun moments:
– Bella claims to be Switzerland.
– Edward complains about Jacob’s shirtlessness.
– Edward kisses Bella to mark his territory and Jacob hugs her tight and carries her around to mark his.
– Jacob says that he can feel Bella’s attraction towards him. Yeah, like Bella could hide it… I mean her gorgeous yet old-fashioned boyfriend is withholding sex until marriage whereas Jacob is all muscles and well, more than ready for anything physical with Bella…
– Charlie’ s awkward but hilarious conversation about protection and his reason to love Edward.
– And the best line ever:
From Jacob to Edward: I am hotter than you.
I am underlining 4 things: mindless, entertainment, eye candy, romance. Keep your expectations rational and you might have a good time. I went to see the movie with 2 friends, one female and one male. Now, the girl does like the movie. And the guy did have fun. He was busy lusting over Alice (Ashley Greene), joking about how horny vampires were (as in Riley and Victoria), what a faggot Edward was, how slutty Bella was and how she should have picked Jacob. I do agree on most accounts.
Also keep in mind the novels were written by a female by the name of Stephenie Meyer. Yes, it is after all one woman’s romantic fantasy. But then again, so fucking what?
10/10 for eye candy for girls
7/10 for eye candy for boys
2/10 – as for the lack of sexuality
3/10 for wolves effects, 7/10 for the rest
7/10 for all over entertainment
2/10 for the poster
9/10 for the romance.
Posts on the Twilight Saga and Cast
Robert Pattinson vs. Taylor Lautner
Twilight Mania: Twilight Movie Review
New Moon Movie Review: New Moon Dissected
Robert Pattinson vs. Edward Cullen: The Cute Robert Pattinson, The Beautiful Edward Cullen
Robert Pattinson isn’t vain. He is British.
Twilight Saga and The Rest of The Cullen Family
Twilight Saga 101: 33 Things You Should Know About Twilight Before Seeing New Moon
Twilight Saga 102: 24 Things You Should Know About New Moon Before Seeing Eclipse
Remember Me Review starring Robert Pattinson