Howard Brackett (Kevin Kline) is a high school literature teacher and the team coach and he is loved by everyone in the Indiana town he lives and he is just very content with his life.
Everything changes when Cameron Drake (Matt Dillon) – a former student/currently Hollywood’s new heartthrob- wins Oscar with his role as a gay soldier and thanks Howard at his acceptance speech, mentioning that Howard is gay.
This shocks the whole town, especially Emily, Howard’s parents, students and most of all Howard. From then on, the movie becomes more hilarious as Howard tries to explain to everyone that he is not gay. But the media have already smelled a good story and they are all over town. The most insistent reporter of them all is Peter Malloy (Tom Selleck) who thinks he is actually helping Howard come out.
Now Howard has to face the most important question of his life: Was Cameron right? And if he is, how the hell is he going to tell everyone that he is gay, after having tried so hard to persuade them that he wasn’t?
In and Out is one hell of a comedy. Now, if your favorite comedy about a gay guy is Jim Carrey and Ewan McGregor’s I love you, Philip Morris, then there is a chance you won’t like In & Out. But I absolutely hated I love you Philip Morris (even though I love Jim Carrey) but In & Out is one of my favorite movies. It is charming, silly, upbeat, lovely and downright hilarious. Yes, there are stereotypes. But the thing with clichés and stereotypes is that if you use them well, you will have good entertainment. After all, they became stereotypes and clichés for a reason.
I heard people complain that the movie isn’t funny because Howard is actually gay. Now, don’t consider this a spoiler. Knowing this will straighten up your expectations about the movie. Now, the fact that Howard is gay but doesn’t know it makes the movie even funnier. The fact that people didn’t notice or pretended not to notice is just hilarious. After all, here is a guy who hasn’t had sex with his fiancée for 3 years because he “respects her” (I mean, come on!!), he knows everything about Barbara Streisand and adores her and well, do look at his hands.
While Streisand is an ultimate cliché, it is a funny one. However I think the casting overcomes one big cliché as many gay guys being feminine when the reporter turns out to be gay. Guys, the reporter is Tom Selleck! You just can’t get more masculine than that! Frankly, none of my straight guy friends is as masculine as Selleck’s Peter.
The supporting cast includes Shawn Hatosy, Alexandra Holden, Zak Orth, Lauren Ambrose (as Howard’s students), Debbie Reynolds, Wilford Brimley (as Howard’s parents) and Shalom Harlow (as Cameron’s skinny girlfriend).
Kevin Kline is just a riot. Yes, the whole cast is great but he does make the movie. At 6.1 on IMDB, this truly is one of the most underrated comedies ever. Frankly, it might be a 7.0 compared to all movies ever made but for a comedy, it is a 10/10.
Favorite Lines
Howard’s mom (Debbie Reynolds): Howard, we want you to know that you are our son and we will always love you. Gay, straight, red, green if you rob a bank, if you kill someone.
Howard’s dad (Wilford Brimley): If you get drunk, climb a clock tower, and take out the town.
Howard’s mom: As long as you get married.
Peter (Tom Selleck): I am gay. I came out.
Howard (Kevin Kline): To whom?
Peter: Whom? To Everyone. My folks, my boss, my dog… One day I just snapped. I got tired of switching pronouns and remembering to lower my voice. And I couldn’t take it..lying to the people I love…Does that sound familiar?
Howard (in the thickest voice he can muster): No!
Peter: So I just said, mom, dad, sparky…I am gay.
Howard: What happened?
Peter: Well, my mom cried for exactly 10 seconds, my boss said who cares and my dad said “but you are so tall!!)
Howard: I am not gay!
Peter: What was Barbra Streisand’s eighth album?
Howard: Color Me Barbra.
Peter: Stud!
Howard: Everybody knows that!
Peter: Everybody where? The little gay bar on the prairie? You know what you need?
Howard: I need a weddin (before Howard can finish, Peter grabs him and kisses him)
You kissed me.
Peter: You noticed.
Howard: This is not Los Angeles!
Peter: People don’t kiss in Greenleaf?
Howard: Not at an intersection!!
Favorite Scenes:
– The Oscars – Cameron’s outing Howard and everyone’s reactions…
-Howard, the masculinity tape and the dancing.
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