There haven’t been many popular shows in television that were as hated as The Following (and also Revolution). Sure, a lot of people loath a lot of things, but few are as vocal as these shows’ haters. Not to mention the active haters of The Following don’t mind tuning in week after week to pick the show apart. It’s funny, because when I can’t stand a show, I just stay away from it.
That’s not to say I don’t think The Following has more than its share of faults, implausiblities, and “oh no, he/she/they didn’t!!!!” moments.
But it also has a great cast, an engaging plot, good acting, badass moments and just the right amount of gore.
And as opposed to shows who have lost their intrigue and I either stopped watching or kind of watch in 10 minutes (at most) in fast forward mode, I was glued to the screen with The Following for the most part, and that’s all that matters to me – I’m in it for the entertainment after all.
Alright. Let’s roll:
A quick reminder to where we are after 14 episodes:
– Paul (Adan Canto) was injured badly after the FBI raided their hideout. Jacob (Nico Tortorella) had to kill him to prevent him from further suffering. This was Jacob’s first murder.
– Jacob later joined Emma (Valorie Curry) and others at the town mansion where Roderick and other followers had created a high-tech fortress and Joe was working on his novel.
– Joe (James Purefoy) was reunited with his son Joey, and after the FBI failed to find him and a lot of people were killed to protect Claire (Natalie Zea), Claire willingly left Ryan’s (Kevin Bacon) side and got caught by the followers to see her son.
– Claire kept rejecting Joe, and Roderick (Warren Cole) kept rebelling.
– When Mike (Shane Weston) finally made Roderick, Roderick tried to escape with Joey- but was killed by the followers and a conflicting Jacob left Joey to Ryan.
– Joe tried getting Claire to love him, it backfired and Claire tried to kill him. This made Joe decide to kill Claire, so that he’d finally see Ryan unravel to the point of no return.
– Followers kidnapped Debra (Annie Parisse) and put her in a coffin and buried her alive.
Episode 15- Season Finale – Full of Spoilers!!!
– Emma sends the clue to what happened to Debra in a creepy way, and the FBI tries to hold her online and locate her.
– Joe has taken Claire to a Lighthouse as he waits for Ryan to find them.
– Ryan and Mike find Debra, after going badass on a follower, but they are too late. Then Ryan finds Joe’s manuscript hidden in the coffin, and realizes that it was his plan all along.
– He leaves Mike behind for his own safety and sets out to find Claire. He’s delivered unconcious and finds himself by a fireplace, hands tied across Joe and a tied-up Claire. He mananages to distract Joe eventually, and saves Claire. Joe escapes to inside the lighthouse, a fire starts during the fight. Ryan escapes, Joe can’t.
– We’re lead to believe that Joe is (probably) dead, though we are not believing it till season 2, where he will probably be back.
– Emma is alive and well, and apparently upset over Joe’s apparent death.
– Ryan takes Claire to his house for the night, where they get both stabbed by Ryan’s psychotic neighbor Molly.
Favorite Badass Moments & Favorite Lines
– To be able to find Debra, Ryan and Mike “question” the follower who was quite surprised at their willingness to torture. They are FBI, right? But even other agents don’t mind crossing the line when one of their own is about to die.
The follower: You’re not going to kill me! I’m not talking.
Ryan: We’re not going to kill you. But we’ll get really, really close.
– They can’t save Parker, and the follower makes infuriating comments. Ryan walks towards him, all common sense having replace by furry. He walks towards him and shoots him in one shot shutting him up for good.
Joe claims Ryan can’t get under his skin, but Ryan keeps going with all the triggetr words: “bored with Poe”, “flop”, “second rate”, “no” talent”,”wannabe”
Ryan: My hands are tied, Joe. Doesn’t quite make for a fair fight.
Joe: I’ve been stabbed with both a knife and a fork so I don’t think that there’s gonna be any more fighting.
Oh, No, He Didn’t!!!
Ryan is my favorite character, and I cut him a lot of slack due to the traumas he has gone through and how cool Kevin Bacon is but his lack of broad thinking just annoys me to no end. How can he know so much about the cult’s wide network and know how the followers integrated themselves into their lives so seamlessley, and yet still not suspect his neighbor a bit? How predictable is it to go to his own house? Come on, even if Joe is dead, and especially if Joe is dead, how can he not expect an angry follower or two to stake him out??? The last scene serves him right for being so naive. Dude, you should have known better!
Despite the FBI’s constant failures and Ryan’s occasional stupidity, I loved the show. I will be back the next season to see if it is still entertaining.
How about you? Are you still following?
Also on The Following
The Following 1×08 Welcome Home Review: Mike Weston Proves He’s More Than Computers
The Following: Why I’m Still a Follower & Summary for 1×07 Episode Let Me Go
The Following: When Both The Protagonist and Antagonist Are Writers
Mad Love: The Following Episode 4 Review – The Mad Get Madder
The Following 1×03 The Poet’s Fire Review: What’s with the FBI?
The Following 1×02 Chapter Two Review: Still cool, and yes, Hardy Needs to Toughen Up. But how?
The Following starring Kevin Bacon and James Purefoy: Epic Start