Sally Atwater (Michelle Pfeiffer) is from a small town, living with her sister Luanne (Dedee Pfeiffer). Her dream is to become a big star as a TV reporter and she gets her chance when she lands a gig in Miami. She realizes that it will be a long time before her new boss, seasoned reporter/news coordinator Warren Justice (Robert Redford) will take her seriously. But she works hard and Warren gives her the chance to prove herself. While her career is on the rise, she gets to know Warren and his ex-wife, successful reporter Joanna Kennelly (Kate Nelligan). Warren doesn’t exactly have a great track record for long term relationships but with the attraction growing between them, can they really just be friends and colleagues? Or is it possible that Warren did indeed meet his match and they are perfect for each other?
The two finally get together but now Sally’s getting in the way. Can they make it work? And can Warren readjust his career for her or is too late for him?
Up Close and Personal is a lovely romantic drama from 1996, directed by Jon Avnet (Red Corner, The War, Fried Green Tomatoes). Robert Redford and Michelle Pfeiffer make the perfect couple, and I have to say Robert Redford looks fantastic at 60 (with Michelle being 38, there is quite a bit of age difference). It is entertaining, emotional only when necessary and apart from a bit long and being interrupted with a silly pop song in the middle when romance was supposed to be shown, it rarely has any flaws. But how happy can the movie be? If you have seen a Jon Avnet drama, you know exactly what I mean.
Frankly, the only part I didn’t enjoy much was the ending but that’s because I am a romantic who expects to get a happy ending for every true love story. But I wasn’t surprised it ended the way it did, after all- we had gotten a good, anti-climactic moment 1.5 hours into the movie, with 20 more minutes to go, which is not a good sign.
Yes, the ending is very decent but I still wish I got a happy one.
Fun notes:
* The actress playing Michelle Pfeiffer’s sister in the movie is Dedee Pfeiffer, the actress’s real life, fellow actress sister.
* I have a feeling feminists might have gotten worried about the movie in the late 1990s. After all, we have a 60-year-old male romantic lead, ending up with a gorgeous woman 22 years his junior. And it might have been difficult to imagine the situations reversed. Fortunately, for Michelle, it was reversed: three times. She starred with Paul Rudd in the romantic comedy I Could Never Be Your Woman in 2007, who is 11 years her junior. In 2009, she starred as the romantic lead for Rupert Friend, who is 23 years her junior in Chéri and in another film called Personal Effects with Ashton Kutcher– who is 20 years her junior. And the feminist in me is glad that an actress is getting the same treatment as an actor.
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