It was about time someone spoofed the Twilight movies. I actually like the series, but you know Hollywood loves creating spoofs of whatever is the hit movie of the time. Have you ever seen Emilio Estevez in Loaded Weapon? Please check it out – especially if you have seen or heard of Basic Instinct, Lethal Weapon series and any Clint Eastwood action/western. In fact, I watched Loaded Weapon before I saw Lethal Weapon and loved how funny was. I saw Lethal Weapon afterwards and it is now one of my favorite series of all times.
Another two great spoofs I have seen are not movies but Saturday Night Live stunts: One of 300 and one of Braveheart- both starring Gerard Butler. Given that Gerard Butler starred in the original 300 movie and is spoofing his own character and that he is a Scot make both spoofs even more hilarious. And I never thought I would enjoy something that makes fun of Braveheart as it is my favorite movie. But when something is funny as hell, you got to give its due.
So a good spoof is fun to watch, regardless of how you feel about the original. I am actually a fan of the Twilight series. I accept and enjoy the saga for what it is: an absolute female romantic fantasy with some action thrown in.
But even the title of this spoof- Vampires Suck- made me laugh so I checked out its trailer and laughed out loud. Vampires Suck is a brilliant title from whatever meaning you look at it- and the trailer is very funny. They have made fun of the plot, the way the actors are (under)dressed, the villains, the good guys and everything else. And I simply adored the delivery guy, Black Eyed Peas and the contract jokes. The movie is supposed to come out in August and the lead vampire’s name is Edward Sullen. Enjoy.
[pro-player width=’530′ height=’253′ type=’video’]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHkPJ1ACLrg&feature=related[/pro-player]
Here’s the trailer’s link, in case the video doesn’t work:
But if you want trivia and reviews on the actual Twilight Saga- this is the ultimate link:
The Ultimate Twilight Movies and Cast Resources: 15 Posts on The Twilight Saga