I still haven’t finished typing my latest work of fiction so I feel guilty indulging in others’ work but hey, I am addicted to reading and let’s face it, computers aren’t 100% reliable. Meaning, my computer a.k.a office a.k.a dvd player crashed a couple of times. So I realized I had to stop worrying about my story and keep something fun around, just in case.
That’s how and why I stumbled into Lindsey Kelk’s I heart Hollywood. I like the escapist genre. It offers light but extremely fun entertainment. I hadn’t heard about Kelk before but I’m guessing you didn’t find it surprising that the title appealed to me. After all, 5 seconds into this blog and you already know I do in fact “heart” Hollywood. Moreover, the lead character is a writer/blogger sent to L.A to interview a British heartthrob of an actor. It is like my life combined with the ultimate fantasy.
This is the story in a nutshell:
Angela Clark is a young British woman working in New York. She is given the opportunity of a lifetime when she is given the assignment of interviewing a major star in Hollywood. Well, this is the opportunity of a lifetime but the conditions that got her the job are kind of dubious. And she has some reservations. She doesn’t want to leave her rocker boyfriend (what did I tell you about the story being my life+ fantasy?) on his own, for instance.
Angela Clark is the protagonist in the “I heart” .series. Apparently our girl first loved New York and will later love Paris.
I am now 60 pages into the book. Well, I could enjoy finishing it in a day but then what would I turn to when technology failed me? Will update the post after I finish it. Until then.