The Mentalist was an addiction. It was a smart, witty, gritty and fun addiction I was proud of. I loved everything about it, with my favorite thing of course being Patrick Jane, played by the talented Simon Baker. The Mentalist hooked me with great one-liners, the elusive but resourceful psychopath Red John, and always enjoyable case-of-the week.
Season 3 was somewhat satisfactory, but my addiction was slowly turning into a habit. Instead of wanting to watch the episodes over and over again, once became more than enough. I stopped raving about to show to anyone and everyone. I still liked it, though
With seasons 4 and 5, we definitely broke up. Yes, we were still friends. But I was cheating on The Mentalist big time. I had begun to multi-task during episodes, and I even started flash-forwarding scenes when the mood struck me, which happened often.
And when Red John was revealed? Oh my…That level of disappointment hadn’t probably occurred since William Wallace’s choices that led to his capture in Braveheart.
Red John didn’t compare to what they built up at all. Of course at that point, even Robert De Niro or Jack Nicholson playing Red John (a girl can dream!) would have had trouble living up to the myth… But they chose to stick to a disappointing list of 7, and finally, one of the most disappointing names on the list.
But then something happened. With Red John gone, Jane was free. He was allowed to be funny, happy and tricky all the time. He went on sort of a vacation, and came back to the crime-solving world with a deal made with the FBI. At first it was annoying to see Abbott (Rockmond Dunbar) all bossy and self-righteous, but he loosened up. He understood Patrick, and he became one of my favorite characters. I didn’t miss Van Pelt or Rigsby (even though I really liked them), and I have no qualms with Fisher (Emily Swallow) – in fact I’m looking forward to learning more about the real her. Is she really more like the girl Patrick met on the Spanish-speaking island when she was undercover?
This season gave me some of my favorite Mentalist episodes, which is not something you can say for the sixth season of most shows.
I especially recommend the art heist episode. We have a decent villain, a great Jane deceit with everyone participating, Lisbon meeting someone….
Episode 16 (season 6), Violets, is strongly recommend. Charles Mesure guest-stars.
So yes, I’m happy about the renewal. My only wish is that they don’t create this super villain whose shadow alone will dominate seasons, and whose revelation will end up disappointing pretty much all the fans.
Also, let’s either bring Lisbon and Jane together for good, or end that potential romance for good. We know they care, we know everyone else around them thought about it at one point, we know they really love each other. It’s time to establish if there’s anything romantic/passionate there.
Who else is happy about the renewal?
Recommended Reading on The Mentalist:
The Mentalist: End of an Era – Disappointed by Red John, Happy to See Him “Go”
7 Engaging Tv Shows with Suspense Featuring Castle, The Mentalist, House, NCIS Los Angeles and More
Castle vs The Mentalist: Comparing Two Addictive Shows