Alright, fellow rockers! Want to read some fun facts on Van Halen, Bon Jovi, Poison, Nirvana, Def Leppard and Kiss? Then here’s the post for you. You might already know some of them, but hey I am sure you will have a good time remembering too.

*Eddie Van Halen played his guitar behind his back more often than not. Sure he looks cool, but the rumor is he was trying to hide his secrets to being a master guitar-player.

* During one Def Leppard interview, frontman Joe Elliot was asked what was the most ridiculous thing they had read about themselves. Joe answered “I read that I was dead”. Now we know sometimes reporters can get too creative with their news but this is too much. Don’t you think?

* I am sure you are familiar with the Bon Jovi hit “You give love a bad name”. Supposedly, Jon wrote this song for his ex Diane Lane. Yep, they dated for a short while in the 80s. While they made a very pretty couple, I am guessing it didn’t go all that welli then?

*When I heard Poison’s hit “Ever rose has its thorn” for the first time, I had thought it was a very romantic song about how every one has their flaws and we accept our lovers as they are- until I read the story in the best of album. Brett Michaels’ girlfriend left him for another guy with more money. But then of course Poison made it big and his career took off. So the girl is the thorn and the rose is his career. Bret Michaels’ own words. Strangely, this makes the song more fun for me.

*KISS are best known for their make-up and their stage outfits that match. For years, they didn’t take the make-up at their concerts or backstage. So without the make-up, no one recognized them in the streets. Way to be annoynomous. Then they made an appearance on Jay Leno and came out with their identities. It is weird, but they had too many groupies even with the make up. Gene Simmons admitted that girls found it hot. I am a girl and I love Kiss’ music but putting KISS and hot in the same sentences? Nope. Not for me. Especially if they have the make-up on.

* Jon Bon Jovi hosted an episode of SNL in 2007. The opening stint had him in the 80s, visiting SNL cast member Amy Koehler when she was a teen and Jon was in his Slippery when wet days. The episoe involved many jokes about the band, Jon himself and the songs. Bon Jovi performed two songs and Foo Fighters also sang a song as they were the official musical guests.
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