One of the times Edward Norton was on Conan O’Brien, they were talking about how intense his roles were. Edward just found it really amusing that people found him intimidating. Well, you might remember his complicated role in Fight Club and even more powerful role in American History X. But Edward points out his role in the pink suit in this film. That’s right. Edward spends a lot of time in his gigantic pink rhino suit in Death to Smoochy, as a host for a children TV show:
When Rainbow Randolph (Robin Williams) is caught during an unethical bribe thingy, his days as an adored kids show star days end. The channel is forced to find a host that’s squeaky clean and that’s when the producers (Catherine Keener and Jon Stewart) unwillingly hire Sheldon (Norton) who happens to be ultra ethical and morally sound. He annoys the hell out of Nora (Catherine Keener), one of the network producers.
However Nora’s monetary concerns and her contempt towards him are the least of his problems: Randolph is furious and obsessed with getting rid of Sheldon to get his old gig back. A shady organization wants him out and there is an Irish mob gang with some special demands. Now, how the hell will Sheldon remain true to himself with all these people around?
First, let’s state that this is an absurd, dark comedy with some edgy and over-the-top characters. In fact, all of the characters are over the top and this gives the movie some hilarious and amusing moments. Sure, there are some slow moments but overall, it is very entertaining. Lots of fun in an exaggerated world. Be warned. This movie is not for everyone. Especially if you don’t want Norton in such a comedy. Directed by Danny DeVito, who also plays yet another character with questionable motives.
Kingdom of Heaven
Down in the Valley
The Incredible Hulk
Pride and Glory:
25th Hour:
The Illusionist:
The Painted Veil:
Fight Club:
photo: http://www.impawards.com/2002/posters/death_to_smoochy.jpg