2009 was a tragic year for music. But it looks like 2010 is not that bright either. Scorpions are done, Steven Tyler fall off stage, Brett Michaels gets a brain hemorrhage and just we thought he recovered, it turns out he has a stroke and has a whole in his heart. Oh, and heavy metal/rock band DIO’s vocalist Ronnie James Dio died. He was recovering from stomach cancer.

It’s weird to see rock starts have all these health problems. Yeah, we are well aware that they are human, but they did get over a great deal of stuff in the past: death of best friends/band members (Steve Clark from Def Leppard, Cliff Burton from Metallica), loss of health, loss of crucial body parts (Rick Allen from Def Leppard) , drug addictions.(Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Aerosmith) , loss of their looks…But since they always seem to bounce back, it is just feels awful to have all the bad news in a row. After all, they symbolize energy. Their stage shows rock us and their songs celebrate life, parties, sex, friendship and love. We grow up with them. Hell, our parents grew up with Aerosmith.It also reminds us of mortality and fragility of all.
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