I never intended this blog to be the go-to site when it comes to album reviews. Sure you will find some new albums but let’s face it, my heart does belong to a lot of bands frm 70s/80s and 90s. I also don’t believe in fashion. Which means that if I like an album and if the album is good enough, the release date can’t matter less. And I have so much writing to do, trying to review everything I like. But hey, what better way to do this one album at a time?

Band: Bodyrockers
Album: Bodyrockers
Year: 2005
Reason for buying: I like the way
Company: Mercury Records
Most of the time, I can’t stand dance music. But I am addicted to rock. I even dance and exercise to rocknroll. But one band did a wonderful combination couldn’t resist. They brought together irresistible dance beats and played them on electric guitar and drums. They also have a perfect name: Bodyrockers. The first video made me rush to the store and buy the CD. And it is the only dance album I have and surprisingly, all songs rock and make you dance.
Songs List:
Handle on your face
I like the way
I wanna live
You got me singing
Round and round
For one night only
Keep your boots on
New York City Girl
Stuck in a rut.
Absolute Favorites: I Like The Way, Keep Your Boots On and New York City Girl
But I have to underline the fact that the whole album is really good. Recommended for dance and rock fans alike.