I’d been waiting for this movie for ages. I am a great fan of Mel Gibson’s work. Yes, he was a looker in the 70s-90s but the reason he became an A-lister had a lot to do with his talent. Want proof? Go see Edge of Darkness. Mel is no longer fit or pretty. But the intensity he brings to such roles is a ll there and he is so good, he lives and breathes through his character.
Craven is a police detective, happy to have his 24-year-old daughter Emma (Bojana Novakovic) back home again. But he can only enjoy this event for about 5 minutes. His daughter is killed, right in front of him, and there are signs that indicate the intended victim was Craven. But Craven knows he doesn’t have enemies. So the deeper he digs, the more he realizes that they really did aim at Emma. Craven is haunted by the images of his daughter and does his best to stay focused. Emma worked in a company that dealt with nuclear energy. Obviously she was going to expose something. She wasn’t the only one murdered and the company is determined to get rid of everyone who gets in the way…
Does it sound ordinary? Trust me, it is not. The movie does not waste any scene. There are no unneccessary lines. Craven is your hero but he does not go all Rambo on us like Liam Neeson did in Taken. Don’t get me wrong, I love taken. It is an amazing thriller. But Edge of Darkness is a wonderfully dark drama with interesting characters and events that you don’t see coming, or events that you know that will happen but they still manages to shock you with “how”. It is heavy but only because it intends to be. Craven is smart and his actions are very humane. He is your hero all the way. This movie is not about who the good guy is. We know who he is. We know who the bad guys are. We also have another (Ray Winstone) leading character whose motives are not all that clear.
See this movie and you will know what I am talking. Yes, the father is after answers and vengeance. But how the concept is dealt with is very refreshing. This is a very solid drama with disturbing tension. I have to add this movie to my all time favorites.
I am glad to have Mel back. He picks great scripts (with a couple of exceptions) and puts his heart and soul into it.
Keep your expectations straight. There is no romance or no eye candy for either gender. There are no action sequences or no special effects. It is all about the story and the direction and the acting. And it is not surprising that the movie is great because of these three. Directed by Martin Campbell. Written by William Monahan and Andrew Bovell, based on the TV series, written by Troy Kennedy-Martin. Vastly underrated at 6.7 on IMDB. 10/10 from me.
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