CIA Agents Tuck (Tom Hardy) and FDR (Frank – played by Chris Pine) are partners and best friends- they consider each other family despite having totally different outlooks on life and romance:
Tuck is divorced with a kid, but he hasn’t given up on romance. He wants to find the right woman to share an immense, permanent bond.
Frank on the other hand is the perfect womanizer. He’s gorgeous, a smooth talker and he always has the perfect strategy-compliments of being a good agent. And while Tuck is an equally kick-ass agent, he prefers honest, serious relationships – although he has to lie about what he does for a living.
But things get complicated when the pretty, successful but romantically jaded Lauren (Reese Witherspoon) is forced back into the dating pool by her married friend Trish (Chelsea Handler.) But Lauren’s outrage about Trish’s putting up an online dating profile for her disappears when she sees that a “travel agent” named Tuck seems interested.
Frank, however, is not willing to put Tuck’s heart on the line by letting him go dating on his own. After all, there’re lots of crazy women out there, and he is out of practice. Tuck unwillingly lets him to be at a safe, unseen distance – just in case.
The date goes great, but unfortunately before Tuck can let him all about it, Frank meets Lauren – and is totally attracted to her no-bullshit, I-don’t-date-players-like-you attitude.
When they boys find out they’re dating the same woman, they decide to “let the best man” win, as they both seem to like her a lot. But unfortunately their spy habits turns the deal into “let the best agent” win as they start spying on and sabotaging each other’s dates.
Lauren wouldn’t take Frank seriously, but a chance encounter forces her to give him another chance. Then she gets into a dilemma however when she realizes that she is dating two great, gorgeous guys. She decides to choose after a couple of more dates.
So who is going to win as both men are playing “dirty”? And will their friendship survive their increasingly growing rivalry? And how the hell are they going to protect Lauren when they are too busy to notice that their ultimate CIA target is on the right track and dying for revenge?
Why You Should See It:
This movie is just so much fun. It is a lot more hilarious than it is romantic, and the fighting scenes are really cool – and when the fighting gets funny, it is still really cool because let’s remember, we have two badass fighters instead of Colin Firth’s Darcy and Hugh Grant’s Daniel “fighting” on Bridget Jones’ Diary (they fought quite clumsily in both movies.) Don’t get me wrong, I love those scenes, they make for great comedy – but two agents fighting is a lot sexier than watching two clueless men fighting.
As for the ending, let’s say there is more to it than a happy ending. And the very last scene might be my ultimate favorite in the entire movie.
If you were Lauren, who would you pick?
OK, this might suit my dating blog more, and I’ll post a related article there too. But both guys have their flaws and dealmakers so let’s have fun. My point of view:
( I do give a bit about the tricks and events, so it might be a bit spoilerish).
My turn-offs from Frank (Chris Pine)
– I hate clubs – I can’t stand the music played there. It’s a nightmare for a rock addict.
– I’d love it if potential Mr. Right hadn’t slept with 500 women.
Sure, your past is past- but a guy having slept around that much is not a very impressive trait. I get that he is gorgeous, but I really hope he doesn’t tell Lauren- if he is going to be all romantic and loyal it is great- but I’d not be happy knowing my boyfriend slept with pretty much any girl he wanted.
– His taste in music. Sade? Really?
– His taste in movies. Titanic? You’ve got to be kidding me! I guess that he was in the mood for sappy and cheesy and overdramatic – but he could have just as well opted for a much more heart-felt romance with a better story. Titanic? Seriously?
– He is too freaking arrogant! He looks great and he knows it, but at least he can fake a little modesty.
– Pretending to like the art when he doesn’t.
– Pretending to love animals.
(Not that I care about Lauren’s taste in art or am that keen about pet shelters, but I’d be disappointed to find out we didn’t have that much in common after all.)
My turn-offs from Tuck (Tom Hardy)
– He is divorced- which would bring me to the question –what did he do? Was it a mutual screw-up or did he cause it?
– And he has a kid, and an ex-wife- and if things worked out, it would be a little complicated.
– Not to mention that his wife is gorgeous and they don’t seem to be completely over each other.
Turn-ons – Frank
– The moment Frank sent the stewardess home.
– He actually tried to be a gentleman when he took her home. It lasted for 2 seconds, but in all fairness, she didn’t want him to be a gentleman.
– He is a badass agent- I love all the fighting stunts.
– He’s a great friend – for the 95% of the time anyway.
– When he is in love, he really is in love.
– He’s the perfect “fake” boyfriend to drive your ex crazy in about 2 minutes.
– He is good in bed. And he can do it 5 times in one night. Hallelujah!
– Did I mention hot? He’s also charming and he can be very nice and cute when he wants to be.
Turn ons – Tuck:
– Great guy.
– A decent dad.
– He is a lot of fun.
– I love safe and earnest, but I never thought he was safe- first date was about acrobacy after all.
– I should mention sexy and cute, which is a pretty irresistible combination.
– He is very funny. Half my favorite lines come from him.
– Him being British is a perk, not a flaw!
– He actually is a gentleman- he’d let you take control over how fast you want to go.
-When he chose fun dates for Lauren, he didn’t fake interest in anything. He just chose something she’d love, but he’d also enjoy. Remember the convertible ride?
– He is a pretty cool agent. I loved how he got rid of the cameras when he wanted to.
– I’m sure there is more. But you get the idea.
Does it look like I’d pick Tuck? Well, I’d- had it not been for the whole ex-wife/kid/unresolved feelings bit, as well as the several redeeming qualities they threw in for Frank (the whole time at his grandma’s house was “emotional porn”(Tuck’s words) indeed. Throw in the stewardess rejection and looking genuinely hurt when she was with Tuck). But when you add it all up, Frank actually does seem to be a pretty strong rival to me.
Yes, I was lusting after them both, though I rooted for Tuck for the 85% of the time.
And during that 85%, I was lusting after Frank. Though I didn’t/couldn’t picture myself dating him. He seemed like the guy even the most emotional and romantic of girls would want to have on speed dial as a booty call. And then I’d want to date Tuck, and just Tuck for good (as I said- had it not been for the ex-wife (Abigail Spencer and the son.)
You can write your vote in the comments. I’d love to hear your preferences and why.
But the ending was perfect, and I couldn’t have written it better myself. And by the ending, I do mean all the scenes starting at the showdown at the restaurant.
Why the ending is awesome: it ends with action, and not the romance (though we get to learn about the romantic decision too right before.)
I always make fun of a friend of mine for seeing Vicky, Cristina, Barcelona as the ultimate “romance” movie- and I totally get it. Trust me. Two girls, one guy, all meaningless in a cool city. And I enjoyed Vicky Christina Barcelona as a movie- just I didn’t like any of the characters, including Bardem’s. No, wait –especially Bardem’s.
But This Means War might very well be a girl’s Vicky Christina Barcelona. Two hot guys fighting for one girl, being romantic and fun and adventurous – and not to mention their ass-kicking skills. I had a great time with all the action and eye candy, and I also enjoy seeing Witherspoon on the screen.
See it. It is in the league of Knight and Day – the romance is there, but so are humor and action. And if someone deems this one a chick flick, I know that we have totally different taste in movies. It’s OK, as it is all relative.
But I freaking loved this movie because it made me laugh out loud, a lot!
ONLY Disappointment:
Angela Bassett didn’t have a bigger role and I’d have loved to see her bring her A-game from Strange Days and beat the hell out of the boys for abusing the agency resources.
Favorite lines:
Tuck or Frank: I love you, man
– Tuck or Frank: I love you too.
-Lauren: Oh my god! I’m yoko
(though I don’t think that Paul McCartney ever had a thing for Yoko. But she did break the band so this line did crack me up.)
Lauren: (on why she doesn’t like the idea of online dating) I might end up in a body suit or in somebody else’s trunk.
Trish: You’re being dramatic. That only happens to one in 20 girls.
Discussing pros and cons of the two:
Lauren: FDR has these tiny, like, girl hands. Like little T-Rex hands.
Trish: Eeww gross that means he’s got a mike and ike for a penis.
Frank: [observing from the ops center- to Tuck] you know that’s not true.
(then he goes on to remind how Tuck has seen it in Bangledash and it is not true. But just as Tuck is enjoying this too much, Lauren says what is wrong with Tuck):
Lauren: He’s British
Now it’s Frank’s turn to crack up.)
Directed by McG, and written by Timothy Dowling, Marcus Gautesen and Simon Kinberg.
Also with Tom Hardy:
Also on Reese Witherspoon:
Penelope starring Christina Ricci and James McAvoy
Recommendations for the people who enjoyed This Means War and/or people who love the combination of action/romance comedy.
Bird on a Wire starring Mel Gibson & Goldie Hawn
Knight and Day starring Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz
Air America starring Mel Gibson & Robert Downey Jr. (no romance, action/comedy with some drama)