Silly me! All this time I had been thinking that he was a spoiled star and he just was complaining about the fame he got after the Twilight saga. While I am not falling for the real life Pattinson any time soon (Oh, I always have and will love Edward); I just realized, he is not vain. He is just British! No, seriously I think I’m onto something here. I was watching Jay Leno and Hugh Laurie (Gregory House of the brilliant TV show House) was the guest. Leno was half-joking that Laurie felt so much more comfortable when things were going badly because he would be expecting it. But when things ran smoothly, that ‘s when he would be upset. Because he would have been caught off-guard. So Laurie responds by saying that “You know me so well!”. Later they both agree that it is a very British thing to do.
So it kinda make sense that Pattinson looks and acts like a fish fresh out of water during interviews and other appearances. He is a major star, the movie has made tons of money and suddenly girls are all over him. Oh, poor bugger!!!
But seriously,Rob! Get a grip and relax! I know you need many more roles to be considered as a talented and serious actor, but you are on the right track. Remember me is due in 2010, where he shares the screen with Chris Cooper and Pierce Brosnan. Not to mention he plays Salvador Dali in Little Ashes (2008). It is OK when things go well, Rob! Seriously, dude… : )

My Other Juicy Stuff on Pattinson:
* Robert Pattinson vs. Taylor Lautner
* New Moon Movie Review: New Moon Dissected
* Pattinson vs. Edward Cullen: The Cute Robert Pattinson, The Beautiful Edward Cullen
* Twilight Movie Review: Twilight Mania
I saw New Moon just yesterday, so when I came to your blog, I was looking for a Rob P post. haha. Gosh, he is sooo freaking pale, and hot.LOL. I have always had a thing for the blood-suckers anyway. But seriously off-screen, Rob is kinda weird and not in a way that attracts me. :P. Loved the post. How u!
Thanks, Rox. The guy does have a problem with cameras when he is not acting, which is really weird. But hey, we will just have to support his blood-sucking ways and nothing else;)
Good thing Eclipse is on the way.
Yeah British is definitely the best way to represent him. I just don’t get the attraction thing, but to each their own I guess.