Tyler Hawkins (Robert Pattinson)’s older brother Michael has killed himself some years ago. Having been very close, Tyler still can’t seem to have shaken his death. His parents have divorced. He is close with his 11-year-old sister Caroline (Ruby Jerin) and gets along with his mother Diane (Lena Olin). He can’t however communicate with his workaholic father Charles (Pierce Brosnan). Charles seems to be much more interested in his company than his children and Tyler is blaming him for Michael’s death on some level.
Ally (Emilie de Ravin) goes to the same college as Tyler. She has lost her mother 10 years ago. She was killed right in front of her at a subway station. This has caused her to be a one spontaneous person who will do anything to make the best of her life. She has a close relationship with her father Neil (Chris Cooper).
When Tyler meets Ally, what’s supposed to be just a bit of fun, turns into something intense and powerful. They connect at a level neither of them have ever expected. This relationship will cause both of them to confront their fathers, each other and their perspectives on life…
Now, on the surface, having read the plot summary I wrote, you may not be that impressed. You might even be less impressed when you see the trailer. So I strongly advise you to stay away from the trailer and see the movie. I half-expected to see a good movie. After all, I like all the actors here. And despite my sympathy for Pattinson, I saw the movie for Pierce Brosnan and Chris Cooper. Finding out Lena Olin was also in it was a bonus. And the movie wasn’t just good. It was amazing. I guess I don’t have to persuade Robert Pattinson and Twilight fans to go see this movie. I suspect they have already seen it. But for those who don’t like him and the series, forget whatever prejudice or disdain you might be holding against the guy. Forget the popularity and the vampires. See the movie. From the first moment credits roll, you will not be thinking about Twilight, I promise you.
The leading and most difficult role is Pattinson’s. His character could have come off as cliché d, but instead it comes out genuine and powerful. Despite what he has been through, he is not without love, hope and sense of humor. But he is also still in a dark place where he is deeply connected to Michael. His anger for his father makes his life even more difficult.
His relationship with Ally is right in the center but the movie is not all about the romance. It is one of the hundred other things that make the movie worth watching. Their relationship starts with fun and original dialogue and keeps interesting all over the film.
So here you have a movie centered on two lovers that came with baggage, with Tyler’s outweighing Ally’s. There is love, loss, family, friendship, murder, suicide, faith in others and hope. It is engaging, depressing, powerful and sometimes uplifting. Mind you, this is not a feel good movie. It doesn’t however go out of its way to make you feel something. It all happens naturally. Tate Ellinton plays Aidan, Tyler’s roommate/ best friend who provides all the comic relief on his own and lifts up your spirits. Does his actions remind you of your own best friends? He reminded me of mine. But Tate’s fun presence and lines aside, you will feel a lot of things during this movie. But it won’t be an overall happy experience. You will not be reassured and you will not escape reality.
It is 6.7/10 on IMDB. Severely and tragically underrated. It is by far one of the best films I have seen. And I am not a drama addict. I hate Nicholas Sparks’ way of writing, which is creating drama for drama’s sake. This screenplay however is in a league of its own. 9/10. Written by Will Fetters. Directed by Allen Coulter.
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A fun note: This is not the first movie Chris Cooper and Pierce Brosnan appeared in a film together.They previously made Married Life together, where they both had leading roles. They don’t have scenes together in this one though. It is a brilliant crime drama that also features Rachel McAdams and Patricia Clarkson. Married Life is a smart little journey with some clever, romantic and dark twists.
* Buy Remember Me on Amazon.com: currently at 19.99 with lots of other options!
I totally agree with you. This one is definitely worth watching. I was impressed. Honestly. I cried while watching it What a tragic story! It is also tragic in the sense that it makes us remember the 9/11 attacks.
Pierce Brosman is subtle yet impressive as always. Pattinson looks cool. Enough with my comment. Just see this:)
I’m glad you liked it. It is weird, a good friend of mine really hated it. Weird. I was totally immersed in the story and I really cared about all of the characters.
I do consider it a should-see, beautiful piece of film.
I always knew that Robert Pattinson was great…even better outside “Twilight” world !!! He has a new fan since “New Moon”: Me !! I haven’t seen “Remember Me” yet, though I certainly will.
You should!!! I absolutely loved it. It is just so intense, so emotional and feels so real. I am looking forward to hear what you think of the movie once you have seen it.
I’ m glad Robert did Twilight and New Moon, because it put him more on the map and he made a movie like this. I hope he does more of these:))
I am still “processing” this movie in my mind, in my heart. I’m leaving a short comment, for now, because I intend to see it again to “digest it once and for all”…
This was one of the most intense movies I’ve seen in my whole life; it marked my life forever!! Brilliant, wonderful, amazing, superb, magnificent, extraordinary interpretation of Robert Pattinson !!! He’
He’s my Oscar Winner !!!
I don’t know about Oscar nominations (Mel Gibson wasn’t even nominated for Braveheart but Tommy Lee Jones won with The Fugitive??? You never know with Oscars), but I agree with everything you said. It was so wonderfully intense and it was an amazing movie about love- not just romantic love. I loved everything about this movie. And I lovingly hated the ending;)
Will be waiting for your longer comments. I am really glad you liked it.