Jess (Sarah Michelle Gellar) adores her loving and extremely romantic husband Ryan (Michael Landes). Her only problem is his brother Roman (Lee Pace), who couldn’t have been more opposite. He has been arrested for assault, he has violent tendencies and he is just creepy enough to make Jesse cringe. Moreover, he stays with the otherwise blissfully happy couple.
Jess’s life comes crashing down when a horrible accident ends both brothers in a coma. She can’t get used to life without Ryan but then something happens to make things even weirder. Roman wakes up, believing he is Ryan. He acts just like his brother. Jesse is more than disturbed by this but what the hell is she going to do when Roman is saying and doing things only Ryan could know?
Don’t let the genres -listed -on IMDB- for this movie fool you. Completely ignore the “horror”, and rather than expecting a thriller, concentrate on the mystery, drama and romance part. If you do that, you have a nice film. It is a really disturbing situation Jess is in and you really feel her confusion and pain. She can’t understand if something paranormal is at work- can her husband’s soul somehow be in his brother’s body now? The love she has for Ryan and her regrets cloud her judgment and from then on things take some interesting turns.
Now, of course you see the twists and turns coming. The explanation is pretty much in front of you. But put yourself in Jess’ position and then the movie becomes an uncomfortably entertaining experience. I liked the performances; especially Lee Pace can very convincingly switch from psycho to sweetheart. Very good romantic drama. Average thriller. No horror. Decide what you are in the mood for, and set your expectations accordingly. Based on a Korean film, so if you are allergic to remakes, do stay away.
P.S. I checked out the alternate ending. I couldn’t find the DVD but thankfully youtube came to rescue. I prefer the alternate version (it has more different scenes- not just the ending). It is more intense, true to the original Korean version. Let me know how you feel about the movie and which version you like best.
Other Posts on Lee Pace
Soldier’s Girl: A Haunting True Story starring Lee Pace and Troy Garity
Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day starring Amy Adams, Frances McDormand and Lee Pace
The Fall starring Lee Pace and Catinca Untaru
When in Rome starring Kristen Bell and Josh Duhamel. feat. Lee Pace
Other Posts on Sarah Michelle Gellar:
Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Love stories with a real twist:
From what you wrote about the film I understand you’re mad about Lee Pace 🙂
Well so am I, completely, and this is perhaps the only reason I will not write too badly about the movie. It could be an interesting role because it included a split personality and unexpected implications, but the script is what it is. There are forcings on which I think it’s impossible to pass over and invent plausible expedients is the job of a good writer. In my opinion the movie is a b-movie and even Lee Pace wasn’t convinced of what he was doing. He doesn’t shine as before. There is no doubt that the perplexity of Lee still amounts to pretty good test, but for those who know him and have been spoiled by his ability to disrupt your soul is not enough.
And now we come to points in favor.
Lee had to do gym!
This can already pay for lost time in seeing this movie. His shirtless chest is an inexhaustible source of inspiration and is an excellent subject for dreams of high entertainment. It’s not bad to remember that this man, timid and elegant, is an undoubted exemplar of sexiness and manliness. And it’s so rare to see in him grim and horny facial expressions. In short, he can also be bad.
Then, perhaps is the first time that he makes a sex scene (albeit brief) with a woman. All women have always wondered if he was so good to be inspired by a woman as he was by a man (and damn it wasn’t easy because what he showed us at the time of Soldier’s Girl left us all breathless)… and here we have the answer. He is good!!! So good that you feel like eating the CD at that point sending it back and forth a thousand times (excuse the impetus but damn the man knows how to consume men and women and everything that moves!).
Not least you can enjoy him throughout the film and not just a moment.
In summary we are not talking about the skill of the actors nor the director nor the screenwriter but only about pure hedonism in to enjoy the look with your favorite. However, a good reason to watch the film.
Well, you might be right, I might just be blinded by my hormones because I did use my rewind and fastforward buttons more than a couple of times after watching the movie. This is the movie where my mother and I both fell for Lee’s looks and talent. This is the first movie I saw with Lee in it and then after watching The Fall and Soldier’s Girl, I became addicted to Lee.
Thanks for comenting on the post and I realized I haven’t updated the post. I’ll add links to Lee’s other movies after I finish writing this. I also need the update because I did find the alternate ending everyone on IMDB seemed to be crazy about and I can say that they are right. Did you see it? If not, it is on you tube and I will provide the link on the post anyway. The alternate ending rocks. Because many changes are made and the script stays true to the Korean script it is based on. While it is not a masterpiece, I simply don’t find the alternate movie to be a b-movie either. OK, you should let me in on whether you saw that version before I go and spoit it for you.
And again for hedonism, you rarely see a guy who is all that. He is sexy, handsome, pretty, fragile and damn masculine and cute and scary all in one movie. Gym efforts has become him and I can tell you, as a tall girl myself, it is a relief that Hollywood has didcovered actors that I can fantasize about and not exclude high heels from the equation;)
I’m sorry if I have seemed perhaps a little aggressive towards the film in question. My Lee’s discovery was made by The Fall. And you saw what kind of actor’s proof he puts on in that movie. Absolutely intense and spontaneous he is unforgettable.Intrigued and in love I went looking for anything relating to him. There was not much and I was quite surprised. How could an actor like that wasn’t already famous and with a rich filmography behind? TV series I had not initially considered. And when I was convinced that a relatively inexperienced young actor could not improve further in a previous film, I came across Soldier’s Girl. I did a quick calculation and realized that he was 23 when he made that movie and I started to watch it, impatient and curious. When I finished it I was literally devastated by history but even more by Lee’s acting. It took me ten minutes to return to myself and realize that I was in front of an absolute talent. Nominated for Emmys. Then I saw Pushing Daisies, and you know how good he was in there too and has been nominated for Emmys again. Only after several magisterial steps then I came to Possession. You can then understand the disappointment I had when I saw that the script was not up to previous work. My bitterness stems from the fact that I had another order in approaching Lee. Surely if I saw Possession first I would have another taste in my mouth. I probably would have enjoyed acting, handsomeness and everything. But now, well, I am saddened by the fact that Lee is having a route in reverse. It saddens me that his best performance was the first. It saddens me that after Emmy nominations and several awards won (even in theater) he has been relegated to a remake of a Korean thriller, maybe that is not done too badly but it’s always a remake of a Korean thriller.
Following your directions I saw the alternate ending of Possession. I don’t deny that there are intense scenes in which Lee’s face lights up and moves. He is so damn good to stir up emotions without saying a single word. His look tells you everything you need. I don’t even deny that in this alternative version there is some trace of Lee’s intensity in which I’m accustomed. But I find that this final (even though some relief) is less functional to the story that they wanted to create, that of a highly disturbed and maladjusted guy who desperately loves the woman of his brother. You can not suddenly forget he’s a psychopath, and he is because only a psychopath could put on a theater like this pretending to be someone else to get what he wants. Nonetheless… what a pleasure to see something inedited with Lee in it, and in those close ups also my hormones have exploded as yours.
I am a tall girl too, very tall indeed (6′ 1”) and I live in a country (Italy) which is not famous for its imposing frame men (I see only balding everywhere). I don’t know where do you live but I can say I fully understand you.
You might be right about the order of the films. I saw possession first, than The Fall and Soldier’s Girl and then The Good Shepherd-even though his role isn’t that big, it is a pretty strong side role and he was great there and I appreciated the diversity. But even after all these great roles, I still have a fondness for Possession. You read my review, I am not in love with the movie. I am in love with Lee. But I do like the movie’s premise and I like the weird twisted situation they got themselves into. It is pretty ok, even original, in contrast to most horror movies that think they are horror but they are comedies (like teen slashers). I liked the idea that no one was being slashed. And as for the psycho part- you are right. Actually both endings are unrealistic in a sense. He can’t change that much (alternate ending) but if he can act so well, he can’t just turn into a psycho right after one confrontation. He would have handled her. What’s with the broken necklace hidden in the frame? Did his brother put there? Genius. Did Lee’s character put it there? Even more genius. And if you are going into all that trouble pretending to be sm else, you can surely replace the necklace with a real silver chain:D I can go on and on about the plot holes but there is something I really like about the mood of the film. Yes, I wouldn’t have given liked it if it wasn’t for me, but there are elements of the story that did have potential.
You are even unluckier than me about this height thing. I am 5’9″. I live in Turkey so I can say that Turkish men really resemble Italian men when it comes to height. No, wait, they resemble each other in a lot of ways.Unfortunately. I feel more at home in Holland where men are mostly tall and really cute;)
P.S. About Lee. Does he sometimes remind you of John Cusack a little?
P.P.S. Did you see Pride and Prejudice with Matthew Macfadyen? Lee’s look in The Fall does remind me of Darcy- as portrayed by Matthew.Just wondered.
“And if you are going into all that trouble pretending to be sm else, you can surely replace the necklace with a real silver chain” ahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaaa I fell off the chair 🙂 🙂 🙂
I also liked the fact that it’s not a classic splatter and that there isn’t even a centimeter of gut. I saw the potential in this film. I would have removed confusing-thriller part and would have made a dramatic story. A woman loses her husband in an accident and falls in love with his problematic brother… simple, touching and credible (being the brother in question Lee Pace).
Although there is no physical resemblance with John Cusack I know what you mean.
In both there is something irresistible in an unconventional way. Both are terribly sexy without doing anything to be sexy. That assembly of embarrassment and reassurance of a nerdy long-term unwitting conqueror. And that relentless reaction “of love rather than sex” they provoke.
I have not seen Pride and Prejudice but I immediately went to see the clips on youtube and I think you’re right. The passionate and sad attitude and, though very different, romantic hero costumes. Even their faces can be categorized in some way in the same category, clear and deep look, fleshy cheeks and bushy/expressive eyebrows. And then there’s the showpiece for both… the voice… deep, vibrant and sensual. I must see this film.
Please let me know when you see Pride and Prejudice. I have a film review on this site, and I also wrote a fun piece called How Jane Austen ruined women (and men) forever- it is a tribute to Pride and Prejudice, and Mr. Darcy as portrayed by Matthew Macfadyen. It also features two of the most romantic scenes in the film. I’ll be looking forward to your comments:) I will give you the links after you see the movie.
John Cusack didn’t look handsome when he was younger, strangely enough. He put on some weight, his facial features were accentuated and now he just looks good. Amazing. Sometimes, men do age well. But hey, Lee looks fantastic now and I am confident he will continue to look this way for a long while;)
I think, the alternate ending shouldn’t have been the alternate ending. Imagine all the extra/alternate scenes you saw on youtube and think them as a whole. I loved how they could go all fantasy and sci-fi to explain it but no- it was much better. It was all humane and much more effective. I ‘ve always wanted to write a good drama-thriller. The thriller part worries me. It is much harder to write;)
Lee was a spell when he was young.
Now he isn’t so cute as before but he is still an unforgettable man. I’m not sure that he will age well (because he already seems to me bigger than his age) but I hope so. I find that many men grow old well, or at least better than women (sigh), so I’m not surprised at all that John Cusack has improved. Usually happens to men who were not so beautiful at a young age. Our Lee was irresistible as a boy and I fear he will get worse. He has very graceful features that often don’t age well. But damn he is so charming that no one could ever say that he is no longer beautiful like before. For men the rules are different (lucky them).
I read many reviews of yours and I think your writing is fluent and exciting (so please forgive my writing, certainly full of mistakes, but I dont speak nor think in this language and in Italy it’s even difficult to find someone to practice with). Indeed I’m happy to talk with you. What I want to tell you is that you should try writing a drama-thriller and test yourself. For the thriller part you should organize a good lineup and then cross your fingers:)
I couldn’t open the link for some reason so if there is another I can try, please let me know. Or you can always email me at skydiveroffreefalls@yahoo.com.
Well some women are doing great. Now, I don’t know all the cosmetic surgery details. But actually, I am not against it. If their facial gestures are still ok and they look fantastic and not so unnatural, please by all means- go for it. I think Courtney Cox looks amazing. Did you see the TV show Cougar Town? She looks awesome. You can just check out the poster:
Other than that, I think Susan Sarandon still looks great. Michelle Pfeiffer is showing signs of age but with the right make-up, she still looks fine. I am sure there are other examples, these were just on the top of my head.
Now, as for aging, the worst one happened to Mel Gibson. I am sure Lee won’t be that bad. If people haven’t seen Mel’s older movies like Lethal Weapon and stuff, they get shocked when I tell them he used to be gorgeous. He may not be everybody’s type but he sure wasn’t ugly:D
As for beautifully aging men, I have various articles for those guys.
OK, I have more. I love it when men and women age well. It’s the 21st century, we should challenge the norms already;)
I think your English is great. You can always use me and my blog to practice if you want. Italy is just great for practicing Italian. I know only a little but I have been to Italy a couple of times and rather than bashing my Italian, people prefered to improve it. They just would rather have me struggle in Italian than have themselves struggle in English. Which was good, I needed to practice anyway. Where else will I use Italian?
I write screenplays. The idea is to format them and send them to agents when I have the time. They are mostly romance/comedy/drama or combinations. I want to write thrillers, but haven’t had the guts yet…
Yes, I saw that inexplicably the link doesn’t work from your blog. Copy and paste it directly on your browser. You certainly have seen this picture but Lee’s face never tires.
I saw Cougar Town and I think Courtney Cox is wonderful. Actually I think she became even more beautiful than she was. Susan Sarandon has always been my passion since the time of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. She is part of my favorite category of women, that women who are not so beautiful but sexy as hell. That kind of woman always age well because by her side has never had physical perfection but the charm, and that is immortal! Unfortunately I don’t think that Michelle Pfeiffer will remain beautiful. She was just too perfect not to notice the difference… This is the burden of perfection (there is perverse justice in things, to those who first/to those who after..). The only exception to me (about perfection) is Kim Basinger. I think she has not even touched anything of herself and she’s just breathtaking…still. I don’t think Mel Gibson is literally aged badly, I think he went quite mad and, like all crazy and homeless, he has neglected and brutalized. But if he shaves, wash and whiten teeth, you would see at least the shadow of the ancient beauty. I saw that Mel was your idol in adolescence and add: how could you remain indifferent to the vision of Mad Max? He was just handsome! The character was powerful. The hero devastated by pain becomes ferocious avenger. Beautiful and damned. Magnificent! I went crazy when I saw it for the first time. In the trilogy there’s also one of the most beautiful songs of all time: We Do not Need Another Hero. Mad Max (all three)is part of my top ten of the best movies ever seen. God… Mel was a wet dream in it!
I read your articles about ultra-forties. What I liked most (besides your way of writing of course) is that a girl as young as you have grasped the essence of successful seasoning. Generally the young don’t ask certain questions to themselves because they think they gonna live forever 🙂
Only a small personal note: it was love at first sight with Patrick Dempsey since Loverboy (1989). I really loved him when he was a boy and amazingly -for me- I was the only one, anyone else had even noticed that adorable rogue. Shortly after he disappeared (at least for me). As I told you in Italy dubbing is super and until recently there was no way to watch movies in original language. Patrick had given a seducing boy’s voice. When I saw Grey’s Anatomy I was surprised at first, then pleased (he had aged very well), then I rushed to hear him finally in English… Horror! I discovered his true voice. Horrible! (there can’t be other terms). A shrill, insignificant, small/castrated voice. All my love disappeared in the wind. And I thought about how important the voice is.
Have I said that Lee’s voice is perhaps the most satiating/dazing I’ve ever heard?
You were right about the copy paste. I have seen this picture before. In fact I am pissed at google. Why don’t they have a nice variety of Lee’s pictures? I should just take pictures of scenes in the movies and add to people’s Lee collection. Like this picture though: elegant, innocent, cute and sexy. An interesting mixture Lee keeps pulling off;)
I have more articles on aging beautifully. I just think the ultimate goal should be to live as long,healthily,happily and attractively as we can. And I appreciate anyone who has managed that. I have more articles/tributes on the topic such as
Thanks for the lovely words. I think Patrick Dempsey just never could live up to the dubbing artist:D His bad luck. But I totally understand what you mean. More often than not, movies are dubbed badly. But once in a while, an actor is dubbed so perfectly that you just can’t get used to his real voice for a while. Same thing happened to me with Kevin Costner. When I was around 12-13 and younger than that I had to watch dubbed movies and the guy doing Kevin’s voice was awesome. Manly, sweet and deep all at once. It took me a while to get used to his real voice. But we are OK now. I am peace with what God gave Kevin;)
Voice is an amazing thing. Some men are blessed and I agree, Lee is one of them. I also adore…drumroll… Andy Garcia…The guy speaks and I am totally in love. I also think Jeffrey Dean Morgan has a pretty impressive voice. And I like Gerard Butler’s voice too. Not
his natural Scottish accent (it is good but nothing special) but the way he uses American accent in Law Abiding Citizen…totally mesmerizing. Oh, and my current weakness: Simon Baker. He also fakes American accent in The Mentalist and sounds so much better than %90 actors who are actually American.
and on Mel Gibson: I love mad max. I actually wrote 2 pieces, just on my favorite mel films. First is my mel gibson top 10 and another 11 that should be seen. The guy was gorgeous and made some great films. By the way, did you watch Tequila Sunrise? He outdoes himself in that movie. There and in The Bounty.
There was a fan site for Lee. It has now been closed. The site had so many pictures that I had never seen. It’s a pity that I’ve not downloaded and stored (I feel a bit pathetic).
Ok, after what I read now I have different tasks: listen to the voices of actors you listed. Andy Garcia intrigues me because he is already sexy and if he has also a beautiful voice then that latin dwarf is really complete:) However Gerard Butler isn’t very sexy to me and maybe the voice could make me change idea just a little bit. Simon Baker? I don’t see The Mentalist but I realized that he is not bad at all! I love the blonde who can be sexy as if they were dark.
Unfortunately, although I saw them I don’t remember much of Tequila Sunrise and The Bounty. The Bounty was a great film, but I have to see it again for debate. I realized that moods affect much on memory, some films, though very beautiful, have left no impression on me.
Well, some movies leave an impression-sometimes not because they are good but they are boring or heavy or pretentious. So it is better not to leave a mark and be beautiful. I remember Tequila Sunrise and The Bounty well because I watched them more than once and my biggest teenage crush was Mel Gibson and he was also my favorite actor. Actually, counting by the number of films I like from him, he is still my favorite actor. I only hate 1 or 2 films from him and don’t care much for another 1-2 but the rest, wow. And he made Braveheart, let’s not forget:) But now we are surrounded by more movies than ever. Internet makes it easier- you can watch it online or order a dvd from anywhere. So it becomes impossible to remember all unless you watch them more than once.
For Gerard Butler’s sex appeal…He wasn’t all that sexy to me either at first. I really didn’t care much for 300 and the beard makes him look downright ugly. When I saw P.S. I love you, I was in love with Jeffrey Dean Morgan, not Butler. But he had made an impression as a tall,well-built guy who really had a cute face and pulled off the role of being such a sweetheart. It takes real acting to play such a nice role and not end being cheesy. Then I saw Butterfly on a Wheel. It was a very good movie- it had both Maria Bello and Pierce Brosnan (I love them both) and the script was really cool. He also played a grey role. Not bad, but definitely not the perfect man he seemed to be. He appeared in many
diverse roles and films later on. So slowly Gerard made into my top hot men list with his charm, acting talent, wit, confidence and self-depreciation. May I also remind you that he is 6’2″:)
You need to see him on TV.Whenever he appears on a show, he is so funny that he entertains everyone including the host. One instance would be: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBDFdzFBlD8&feature=related
The guy just makes me want to go to scotland and see if there are any other scots like him;)
The Mentalist is a must-see if you like to be intrigued by the characters. It has become one of my favorite shows ever and it only took the pilot episode to get me hooked. You should give it a shot.
I didn’t think that Gerard Butler was so loose and at ease in interviews. I followed the link and saw how hilariuos is he, at one point I thought that women from audience would burst out laughing. Actually the guy is funny. I’m changing idea about him and the fact that he’s 6’2″ helps enormously.
Glad to have you on board;) Now, we need to make sure you catch his better roles;)
I need you for this..
Sorry but I must tell you that I really loved 300…..(ooooppss)
May the sun always shine on tall men…there are so few of them…(sigh)
There is nothing wrong with loving 300, in fact a lot of my friends think I am weird for not liking it that much. But the problem is I am a little old-fashioned when it comes to epic movies. I love Braveheart and Troy and King Arthur. But the yellowish color and creatures aren’t my thing. But… I have nothing against the men’s bodies in 300. That’s awesome. Gerard Butler says they worked like for 4 months before the shoot and 4 hours everyday during the shoot. They were exercising when they weren’t shooting. So most of the bodies took real sweat and effort.
And if I need to persuade you on Gerry’s other talents, you need to watch Saturday Night Live clips. He was the host in once episode and in one of the stints,they make fun of 300 and he plays King Leonidas again. It is so hilarious. You should see it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6k_72Scl4GU&feature=related
oh and how he opens Saturday Night Live. Got to love the guy :
I had a great post on the whole show and the stints but the youube videos have been removed (hate it when that happens) so I had to remove the videos from my post as well. Still, I think the posts look good.
Here’s my post: https://pinartarhan.com/blog/gerard-butler-and-saturday-night-live/
Before I get into all of Gerard’s movies you need to see, you so should read my post on being a tall girl and dating. http://socyberty.com/relationships/looking-up-tall-girls-dating/
I think it will hit home:)
p.s: I should make a list post of all the tall and hot actors.
– “…so when you oiled me up before battle?”
– “No strategic value, just wanted to get my hands on you…”
– “And the leather sheet you made for my penis?”
– “Just needed a reason to mesure it…”
– “…and all the times we had sex…”
– “…also gay reasons…”
ahahahahahahhahahahahhahaaaa I died laughing! What a difference in Gerard’s body during the filming of 300 and then in this parody, seem almost two different people. Here it seems that he hasn’t even the structure to become as he was in 300. Unbelievable.
I read your post about tall girls: “Don’t you just love it when the guy towers over you? I think it is hot. It just doesn’t feel the same when your heights are so close that even sneakers make you look taller than your date.” Oh…..how this subject touches me and what a luxury is for me to have someone you can at least look into the eyes… with my 1.86m (6 ‘1 ¼ “) there is little to laugh, or much to laugh (self-irony in this case can literally save you from depression). If I tell you that only once in my life I experienced the excitement of getting up on tiptoe to kiss a man, and only because he was 2.05m (6 ‘8 ¾ “), I do own penalty. I’m also thin so visually I appear mileage. As you say it’s fun sometimes to be noticed but if you can also be seen from the moon, it might start to get annoying. All this is just because there are very few tall men and women have unfortunately this stupid need to feel protected and dominated physically. The thing I don’t understand is why big men are attracted to pocket women. What kind of perversion is that? What’s that? love for the sore kidneys and for the risk of killing woman turning over in their sleep? And what about the hordes of dwarves that attach themselves to my ankles looking at me with eyes full of emotion? I understand that all tend to balance their genetic makeup but this inexorable law excludes me from having even a little chance to feel feminine and vulnerable. As I told you mine is a “discovery of baldness” world 🙂
You definitely should write an article on sexy and tall players. If nothing else, reading of men who belong to this wonderful category could mend many poor women in our state.
Actually someone should do a list of tall-sexy-common men with addresses and phone numbers 🙂
I am glad you enjoyed the piece. Saturday Night Live isn’t always funny. Hell, I love Jim Carrey but even his stunts are lame there. But Gerard, oh my God! So, feeling the love for him now?:)
Gerard appeared on Conan and he makes such good jokes of his body difference in 300 and his regular body (oh the normal is way too good compared to normal men anyway)- his self-depreciating nature just makes me love him even more. I will send you that link if I can find it.
As unconventional as I am in most areas, I unfortunately do have this one traditional trait in my body- I love tall men. But I deserve it. We all have our attractions and I am not afraid to admit it. I dated 3 men who were way taller than me (only one Turkish among them) and it was so much fun and so much sexier. My tallest was 6’4-6’5″. Unfortunately the Turkish one was an idiot and I suspected not enough oxygen traveled through the distance;)
Well, I don’t know any common men at the moment who are tall and cute so I will make a list of celebrities and let you know the link. A girl can dream. And the shortest on the list will be Gerard Butler. I am having fun just thinking about the post;)
So what other Butler movies did you see? I have recommendations:)
I was ashamed to say that over 300 I could not remember other Gerard’s films. As I told you I didn’t know his personality and physically he is not my ideal man and I had not heard his original voice – hence the acting had been affected – . So I went rummaging through your articles about him and I found and saw The Ugly Truth…
Read your comment. Glad you like it and his performance in Please.
For some mindless entertainment you can try Timeline or Tomb Raider The Cradle of Life.
Did you see P.S. I love you?
p.s. He is physcially not your ideal man? Well, I am glad. One less female fan for Butler;)
Yes, physically he is not my kind…but it doesn’t mean that he’s not attractive. You know when it happens to start to be attracted to someone after a long conversation or after observing cool reactions and sense of humour. It’s not a – beefcake/immediately jump on me – deal but a slow discovery of an interesting human being. So, as you see, you’re not in safe with less competition because if I meet someone like Gerard I’m not sure at all that I’ll kick him out of my bed:)
Actually I’ve seen P.S. I love you but I don’t remember anything about it. That’s was a time when Butler was a stranger for me..
Damn. And I thought I had less competition:)
But I totally get what you mean about Gerard. I wasn’t that crazy about him in P.S. I love you. I was mad about Jeffrey Dean. But after all the films and interviews, I can’t decide who is hotter:) You should go back to P.S. I love you and watch Gerard’s parts again. This time, he will make an impression;) And how about Jeffrey Dean Morgan? If you don’t remember him, I so should refresh your memory…
A similar thing happened to me Lee Pace, by the way. Pushing Daisies wasn’t exactly my cup of tea and I thought Lee looked pretty average. But then I saw Possession. I realized the height, the built and the voice- he could make it so husky when he wanted. Then I saw his masculinity and when he pretended to be his brother, I realized his acting ability. Everything came together and I was in love:) Some actors grow on you through their roles:D
By the way, with Gerard, make sure you watch Butterfly on a Wheel. Not because he is cute there. But the movie is really good. I just love how it all comes together. Plus, it is one of his grey characters. Looking all sweet and perfect and then you realize maybe he is not. Pierce Brosnan also has a leading role. I love him too. I am loving both Scotland and Ireland (Pierce is Irish;) ).
Lee Pace could be average but Ned’s faces were memorable/irresistible…come on… I fell in love with him not because of the looks but for his skill. Incredible, priceless actor. I pray to see him in another intense role as in Soldier’s Girl, damn he deserves it! Somebody up there in showbiz power chairs please hear me! Ah….what a suffering.
I saw Butterfly on a Wheel. It was a good movie with really unexpected twists, good script and good actors. I do not remember Gerard Butler in this one, that’s incredible. If you don’t pay attention it’s like you don’t see at all. But I remeber Brosnan. When i first “met” Pierce it was in Remington Steele (TV series-1986) and I thought: what a face of rogue, not bad at all! Then I saw him in Nomads (1986 – you have to see this one if you haven’t) and I fell in love.
He was really HOT when he was young:
and pretty as a girl when he was very young:
(ooowww what a baby/freckle face).
Now about Jeffrey Dean Morgan. I saw him a couple times (or maybe it’s the same Butler’s story). I remember him in Grey’s Anatomy but I wasn’t impressed at all. I found him dull. Then I saw Live! (2007), he has a tiny role but I remembered. He was real and manly and reassuring just as you want the father of your children to be. I remebered! Now I must develope my eye on him:) You must help me.
P.S. Live! Is a wonderful movie. It’s uncomfortable and morally scratchy. It’s brave and complaint a very possible future. I loved the script.
* Jeffrey dull in Grey’s? Well, OK. I am biased towards that guy and towards that role. I quit watching the show after they killed him and I came back when they brought him back in season 5. The show was pretty cool when it first started but then it turned into a regular soap and after they killed Jeffrey, I jumped ship. But…to be honest…there is a chance I wouldn’t have fallen in love with Denny, had he not been played by him. So my love might be a tad hormonal;)
*Thanks so much for your tip on Live! ! I will get my hands on that movie and write about it. And I also can’t wait for Jeffrey’s thriller with Hillary Swank. It’s called The Resident, and Jeffrey will go all psycho on us. And he makes a good psycho. Have you seen the Watchmen? The movie could have been better overall but Jeffrey’s parts were fantastic. Well, he was mean and ruthless and played his part well;)
* After becoming a fan of Lee, I got on youtube and watched some romantic scenes from pushing daisies and yeah, now I do find him adorable.
*I love Pierce between 30-45! Have you seen Laws of Attraction? Evelyn? After Sunset? Damn, a Pierce Brosnan best of post is due. The man made me love the movie Mamma Mia and I really can’t stand Abba!:) I have little tribute to him here:
I also have these posts on Brosnan:
He is especially gorgeous in The Fourth Protocol!
* When it comes to The Butterfly on a Wheel, I adore the ending. I am a romantic and I hate the concept of cheating so when it turned out the way it turned out, I fell in love with the movie. It is listed as one of my favorite endings.
P.S. Love the Pierce pictures!!
P.P.S: The link is to a kiss between Anna and Lee and it is not on tv. Hope you haven’t seen this:)
I have seen everything concerning Lee even this but it was a pleasure to see it again. He is so shy (so big, so tall and so shy (that’s irresistible and too much for anyone) and didn’t know what to do at first. When he realizes what was going on… oh my… how awkwardly he embraces her with that big/long arm (sweet honey) and it seems that he even closes his eyes for a moment. OMG I DO REALLY LOVE HIM. Sorry…but I just can’t help myself!
The Resident? I am shivering in expectation…Lee Pace is in there. I know for sure that he will have an insignificant role but hey…at least I can see him.
I have not seen any of the films that you have appointed (wow you’re an encyclopedia) but give me time…
Well, I am glad you like my collection. I love movies:) I would get my education on it if I could. In fact when I have the money, I’ll surely try and enroll to New York Film Academy. They’ve got great programs. I ‘d love to be in that world, even thought it’s just for the education.
I picked that clip from youtube to convince me that he is not gay. It’s my fantasy and I am sticking to it;)
I finally published my 5 Must See Lee Pace films piece, with the link to your video. Hope you like it:)
I understand, at least one woman kissed him in real life:) It’s also my fantasy. I’d be even happy to see him kissing women on every corner. A little jealous but happy.
Thank you for putting my link in your article, it was so kind of you. I really appreciated.
Thanks for letting me use the link. It is a good video and completely relevant to the article:)
I hope you liked the tribute page. It is my first article on that site.
Yep. It’d be lovely to know he is kissing women and only women. I could also be happier if he were bi rather than gay:D
P.S. Anna Friel has taught us a valuable lesson. If you have a hunky co-star and you want to kiss him when you are not acting, just go for it. Go, Anna!
I believe that she did it…how could she not? Do you imagine how tough is to have someone like him around you FOR MONTHS playing your boyfriend, your unbelievably disarming sweetheart, and to not touch him because that damn screenplay forbids it? I (being her) would have climbed him with ropes and ice-ax till this prohibited peak, which is his mouth, as soon as I finished filming the episode one!
I like your tribute page and I hope that you would have to make more for the amount of films that he will do.
Welll, I guess as far as screen kisses go, Sarah Michelle Gellar got the best of the man. Not nearly enough, but enough for us to consider her really lucky.
I saw your comments on the tribute page. I replied back and once again, thanks. I too hope the list will get longer and longer. And do let me know about any other videos you make. Whether it is about Lee or not. I am pretty sure I will have a relevant place to insert the link on my blog;)