Now you’re stuck in a Dip, and you can’t get out of it…
Stuck in a moment is a U2 song that I mostly like to ignore. Not that it is bad, but because it is depressing; especially when I feel like dedicating it to myself. Don’t label me as self-centered yet. OK, maybe I am a little bit. But hey, cut me some slack. I am working to make my dreams come true and for a while now, I’ve been stuck in The Dip.

The Dip is Seth Godin’s book. Godin is rightfully labeled as a marketing genius. But honestly, that’s not why I bought the book. I only accept authority or follow guidelines when I make sense out of what that person says. Think about it, I don’t listen to my favorite bands just because the songs are fun. The lyrics appeal to me – their philosophy on life hits home. They are all about living life to the fullest and making your dreams come true. And don’t forget, these lyrics are coming from bands that actually made their dreams come true. So:
-I look for a preacher who has successfully preached what he’s saying.
– I look for a preacher I can relate to. I can’t go all Zen on you when I am one of the most hyper-active people you are ever going to meet.
Yes, it helps that Seth is a marketing genius. But what matters more is that I love what he says and I get it. I am coming from an advertising & business background. Things in common? Check. Role-model to look up to? Check. Do I agree with what he is saying? Will I do what he is suggesting? Check, Check.
Now that I have established I loved reading The Dip and why I became a follower of Seth, let’s talk more about the whole Dip thing.
The book has 80 pages I devoured at one sitting, with magic markers. I love coming back to the book and talking to my friends about it. Not because I am an affiliate partner or anything. The guy has no idea who I am. But when I feel stuck, the book helps me get through the day.
Seth talks about why people don’t quit when they should. He emphasizes the importance of understanding whether your situation is a dead-end one, or you have just reached the most difficult part of your path the success. Seth defines The Dip as “the long slog between starting and mastery”. As hard and endless as it may seem, once you overcome it, you will reach your goals. He gives many interesting examples from different things in life. You get what The Dip is. But this leaves you with the most difficult question. Are you actually in The Dip?
I know writing is what I want to do. Hell, I have been doing it since I was 9. Being read makes me so happy, even if it is just by one person. So what do I need to do to make it 10000000?
Why do you think I feel the urge to write every single minute? I know this post is mostly dedicated to my Dip, and sorry about that. I will try to follow-up with more stories from different backgrounds. I will also talk more about the book.
Do you feel stuck? Are you working to reach your goals and dreams? Are you working for the stuff you know you are destined for? If you want to know for sure, I suggest you read it. It is fun, short but it very straight to the point.