I have kissed guys. I just never felt that thing.

Please get your minds out of the gutter, after all English is a pretty flexible language. : ) But, this is a PG-13 romantic comedy and there are not any explicit scenes. It might even be considered unrealistic in many aspects. After all people totally buy that Drew Barrymore and David Arquette are high schoolers, and sometimes romantic movies feel less realistic than an extra futuristic fantasy /sci-fi movies. But it is all in the name of some good fun and unless you are feeling cynical (or you despise the genre as a rule), this movie is good to watch.
That thing…that moment when everything around you becomes hazy and the only thing in focus is you and this person
The lead character is Josie (Drew Barrymore)- a totally unhip, unattractive and anti-social female working as a journalist. She is also a die hard romantic who feels like she has never had the perfect kiss. Yeah, girls in general tend to enjoy kissing more if there are some intense feelings going on. One day she gets to do a feature undercover story about today’s highs schoolers. But there’s a problem. As her brother Rob reminds her, she used to be an unpopular, fat kid everyone made fun of. She was of course in love with the most popular guy and as you can imagine, she didn’t get him. Now she has to put herself put there, make friends, get popular and find some juicy story to write about. She might be wiser and much lighter this time around, but she’s still clueless when it comes to social activities and popularity. She just gets along better with the nerds than the popular kids. And to make matters more complicated, her English teacher (played by Michael Vartan) might just be the guy she’s been looking for all her life…
The movie is a romantic comedy but it generates enough laughs before it gets all romantic on you. Drew Barrymore and Michael Vartan make a nice couple but there are some interesting names in the cast with small roles such as James Franco and Jessica Alba. Try to make sure you catch this film from 1999. I revisited it recently and it is still fun.
IMDB rating: 5.7 from 25,370 people.
[pro-player width=’530′ height=’253′ type=’video’]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d97O5zOBwcw[/pro-player]

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to kiss or not to kiss.. this is the deal : )
Actually, I’m with Drew’s character Josie here. It is not whether you kiss or not. It is what you feel. If it is not exciting, it doesn’t count : )
Consequently, I’m commenting hereby as a guest. You know, if the kiss is performed in a heartfelt, spontaneous and cheerful way; the feeling will be marvelous. It should be a mutual feeling as far as eyes wide shut 🙂 .. or it’s a french kiss 😛 🙂
Yeah, I’m with you on that one : ) It is perfect when it is not awkward but when it happens with a person that you are already attracted to. Anyway, it is a creative title for a movie. Most movie titles just use the lead characters’ name in it and consider the job done. Writing stories, what I find the hardest is finding a good title. Naming the story is more tiring than writing 200 pages!
Yeah sure, I agree with you P?nar; finding a spectacular title for a movie isn’t so easy .. it should be a litle bit mysterious and give an idea about the story (in)directly..
By the way, the word “kiss” is an atractive title for all books,movies,poems because of its erotic/romantic natural message… now, here I pose the famous question of Maddonna’s song: sex sells? 😛
well, that’s another story 😉
madonna has a song called sex sells? She has so many sex- themed songs I lost track : )
And I am glad Bon Jovi didn’t name their Crush album sex sells- that was one of the names they considered : D
Sex sells. Otherwise the advertising world would have felt lost. and there wouldn’t be so many sex-themed magazines, not to mention the whole porn industry…
with no doubt, the whole porn indusrty is outside the boundries of these comments 😛 however ‘Never had SEX’ would be a good title; I believe.. :D:D:P because the reader/audience would wonder if s(he) would have one or more in the book or movie 😛 pretty gripping 🙂
never had sex? well, that title might make people think it is another teenage absurd comedy about horny guys on the quest to find a girl- remember American Pie? :):)
what’s a movie title that I like? That is hard one…I know it is way too simple but I adore the movie and the title is just couldn’t have been anything else: The Crow (I know it is the name of the comic book ; ) ) And…Strange Days is good too. It really captures the soul of the story. A good title for a really cool movie. How about you?
Sure, remembering american pies, 1-2-3-4 and so on 🙂 the quest is long enought to find couple of girls, I suppose 🙂
I can’t forget the title ‘Naked gun two and a half’ 🙂 What you expect, what you get(at all) 😛
naked gun movies were so funny! so was loaded weapon: it made fun of lethal weapon movies,basic instinct and clint eastwood westerns…that being said, I love the whole lethal weapon family : )
* the whole idea of not finding a girl is so popular american pie started an entire sub-genre for teen comedy : ): )