So I love Jeffrey Dean Morgan.I have loved him since he played the romantic,emotional and heart-breakingly handsome patient Denny Duquette in Grey’s Anatomy.He came to the show in urgent need for a heart transplant,started sweetly flirting with the beautiful doctor intern Izzy,played by Katherine Heigl. He was sweet and fun,and he just spoke his mind.They fell for each other and it really complicated things for Izzy,since the guy had a risk of dying in every episode he appeared. The chemistry was great.Frankly,I lost all interest in the show after they killed him off.I had liked the show in the beginning,actually. But after Denny came on,no other attempt at romance in the show seemed real or desirable enough for me.He also made the handsome and intense character McDreamy seem more like a troubled and annoying boy,rather than a male that can be called an object of desire.

McDreamy looking all dreamy again…
Well,then he came back in P.S. I love you.

It was a lovely movie. Gerard Butler was awesome, he did a great job as the beautiful husband (speaking of both the character’s personality and looks) who was unexpectedly lost to a disease,leaving letters and surprises behind to guide his wife through her pain. So when she went to Ireland, and met Jeffrey’s character,it felt so soon for her to move on- after such an amazing marriage,with an amazing guy. Well,she did not move on emotionally but did like him and slept with him. But I really had to forgive her. Hell, J.Dean looks amazing, in every aspect and he was playing a musician.
The Accidental Husband

Uma Thurman is a therapist/psychologist who has a hit radio show on giving relationship advice to women.
Unfortunately for J.D.’s firefighter, his fiancé calls the show and decides to break it off with him,inspired by her. Mad at the “love” doctor, and playing along with his computer whiz young friend,they hack into the registry,change her marital status to married-to J. The prank kinda messes up her plans of marrying her own fiance so she has to find this guy whom she has never heard of but appears to be married to.
Now,of course Dean’s Patrick is everything Colin Firth‘s Richard. Patrick is a spur-of-the-moment,impulsive and a passionate guy.He is also funny and very charming.So it is fun watching him enjoying torturing Uma,while feigning innocence-and then getting into trouble himself when he starts liking her…And of course it becomes more difficult for her to stay away from him..
It is not a great movie.It is just a fun movie. Could’ve been a better one but its silliness works anyway…When u see the neighbors and friends of Patrick, you will see.
But of course it is highly unrealistic and maybe even unfair to cast Jeffrey in such romantic roles.How many guys that gorgeous, can be loyal, romantic and fun? Seriously….
yap i felt the same too, i lost interest in grey’s after they killed Denny Duquette. And Mcdreamy paled in comparison to Denny!
Glad you agree. They can have dreamy,steamy,hunt, karev and whoever and just put in denny duquette. oh well, I hope we get a tv show starring Morgan. It doesn’t need to be drama, in fact it better be a thriller. Have you seen The Watchmen or The Losers? Morgan fits in action roles as nicely as he does in romantic ones.