When you look at this romantic drama’s 6.7 rating on IMDB (by over 3,000 people), and the reviews/rants on its board, you’d think the fans rated a 10 because there aren’t many that speak favorably of the film. Or maybe they’re not just as vocal.
But since the movie has an abundance of bashing on its behalf including the book’s author (who of course has a right not to be happy with the result), I’m here to give the movie a break.
Because guess what? It’s nothing more or less than what the trailer suggests. A sweet, sexy (yes, somehow the movie manages to be both) love story with no surprises and mostly familiar actors (feat. Bruce Greenwood and Joely Richardson as the Wilde’s character’s parents.
The glass half-empty or the glass entirely empty review would go something like this:
It’s naive, clichéd and totally unrealistic (as in overly optimistic) flick that has nothing to new to offer. But then again, when that’s not the movie’s intention at all, why criticize it about it?
Because sometimes, let’s face it, some of us get in the mood for some easy watching. Something not-depressing (I’m still not tempted to watch Blue Valentine, despite its cast), something that offers pure escapism with beautiful scenery, pretty actors, a familiar love story and some easy-to-identify with problems. (Hands up if your dad or another family member totally didn’t get your choices or personality for a long time.)
But let’s take you over the plot, and then the relaxed review (that might offer some spoilers in its defense):
Jade is an introverted, beautiful girl who realizes that she hasn’t really made an impact on anyone’s life in high school. She was bookish, and was cocooned by her parents (especially her father) after the death of her older brother.

David (Alex Pettyfer) went to the same school, harboring a crush on Jade, but never quite acting on it. His dad is a loving mechanic, and David likes staying with him and helping out.
When they finally meet, it wakes up the free spirit in Jade, and they quickly become inseparable. Her mother and brother Keith (Rhys Wakefield) are happy that she’s venturing out into the world, while her father does everything he can to stop the relationship…
As I said, if you want originality, surprised, twists or refreshing dialogue, this is not your movie. That said, it’s not entirely without its own merits and additions to stereotypes:
– The beautiful, rich girl is not bitchy, stupid or popular.
– The poor boy is hot and nice enough. And he isn’t stupid.
– None of the main characters has a deadly/incurable disease. Yes, the older brother has died of cancer, but since he is dead from the beginning, I’ll forgive him that.
– Only one parent, from one side, is a jerk.
– The soundtrack is decent.
– The music festival and party dance games are a nice touch.
– It’ light.
– Did I mention none of the characters have Alzheimer’s? As much as it’s a tragic disease and a reality of life, sometimes you want to get away.
Watch the trailer. Adjust your expectations. And take off your movie critic hat. You might have a good time.
More on Alex Pettyfer:
Magic Mike starring Channing Tatum, Alex Pettyfer, Matthew McConaughey & Cody Horn
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I Am Number Four starring Alex Pettyfer, Timothy Olyphant, Teresa Palmer & Dianna Agron
You forgot to mention about Bruce’s amazing performance…. His opposition was so fierce, he’s the first person to come to mind when I think about the movie.
However, Alex is my ‘Prince Charming’ and I simply loved David 🙂
Overall, the movie was good, but very predictable.
Excellent review, Pinar!
Thanks, Patricia! I’m glad you liked the film, and the review.
You are right, Bruce was so annoying I wanted to punch him like in every scene:):)
Alex is one of those actors who make me forget about my thing for (slightly) older actors (than me);)
I might be meeting Bruce in Oct…. he will be at ‘Destination Star Trek’ along with many other actors.
I’ve been in love with Bruce for a long, long time now. 😉 ….Hugs
Well, hope you meet him and have tons of fun!!!:):)