Charles (Clive Owen) is depressed. His once good marriage to Deanna (Melissa George) is shadowed by the fact that their daughter (Addison Timlin) is type 1 diabetics, which means she has to live with a dialysis machine in the house. Charles loves his daughter and what she is going through is killing him- which is why he feels refreshed and alive when he meets Lucinda (Jennifer Aniston) on his commute to work. She is pretty, smart, fun and understanding. She seems to provide perfect escapism and he seems to embrace this. When they decide to actually have sex, they go to a hotel. However they are caught in the middle of the act by a brutal gunned man who beats the hell out of Charles and rapes Lucinda. Knowing all about their identities, he is after cash. Lots of it. Charles can’t go go the police- after all, Lucinda’s husband will take her daughter away if he finds about their affair. He has to find the money but there are two problems: Charles is not wealthy. Their entire savings are done to be able to afford a drug for their daughter…
I liked Derailed. I like both lead actors. Plus Vincent Cassel is a pretty neat psycho. It comes all so naturally to him. And don’t listen to people who say Jennifer can’t act or she will be stuck as Rachel for the rest of her life (even though Ricky Gervais made a good joke about this at the Golden Globes).
The story is good. It has some cool twists and turns and the storytelling made even the predictable ones enjoyable..
Verdict: Clive Owen+ in a well-paced thriller = Success. 6.6/10 on IMDB. 7.5/10 from me.
Posts on Clive Owen and His Movies
Clive Owen Trivia: 21 Facts about Clive Owen
Posts Featuring Jennifer Aniston
The Bounty Hunter starring Gerard Butler and Jennifer Aniston
Love Happens starring Aaron Eckhart and Jennifer Aniston
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I have to see this one. I do believe(after watching a couple of movies) that Jennifer Aniston is stuck with the whole ‘Rachel’ persona but I heard that she is good in this one.
I like Owen ever since I saw Shoot’em Up and Cassell from Ocean’s Twelve(this movie was so cool!).
Jennifer’s mistake is playing in romantic comedies. Rachel is the perfect romantic comedy character and they can’t really earn you diversity even if you are good. She was also away from being Rachel in The Good Girl opposite Jake Gyllenhaal. Not a great movie, but she doesn’t play a sweetheart either. She was nominated for some best actress awards there.
But Clive Owen is always good. He is theater-based and he loves intense roles. They make a good team. Owen’s wife in film is played by Melissa George who plays a leading role in the 3rd season of Alias. : ))
Aniston needs to come out of her shell. Brad Pitt probably dumped her ’cause she wasn’t fun enough lol. And I know who Melissa George is, she is like the ultimate horror hottie :D.
Ha ha. I am sooooooo sorry about Aniston-Pitt break-up : P. She dated Vince Vaughn afterwards and I think Vaughn is much more fun than Brad. He can also write a decent script. I just like multi-talented actors better. Pitt maybe a better actor, but Vaughn can write. And if Aniston is actually dating Gerard Butler (they both keep denying it), she just traded up. In my judgment of hotness, Brad is a 7/10. Butler is like too hot for the scale ; )
I am glad you know Melissa. I wasn’t trying to introduce her, I was just reminding you to watch Alias. 😀
Noooooooooo, Vaughn is no match for Pitt. He might write but judging by their acting talent, Pitt will win by a thousand miles. And Aniston claimed a couple of months ago that she still misses Pitt, she even called but Jolie answered and something happened I’m not sure, so that suggests Pitt’s more fun. He’s just messed up because of the kids. I don’t know how hot Pitt or Butler is but Pitt’s a better actor in this case even. But, if you want to see Butler’s latest hotness 😛 then you should check out my latest post which will be ready to go in about 10 minutes.
I’m working on seeing Alias, it’s not on TV here right now. 🙁
I just watched The Boys Are Back with Owen. I think this week is officially Clive Owen week for me. Nope, no complaints. Nice to see he had a movie where he didn’t need a gun,lol!
Well, if Aniston really did call Pitt, I don’t think it is because Brad Pitt is more fun. I think it is because Jen is pathetic. The guy cheated on her with Jolie, left her because of Jolie, had tons of kids with her and she is still calling? I really hope that’s not true.
No, I don’t think Pitt is a better actor than Butler. Gerard has shown more diversity in 10 films than Pitt did in his entire career. Trust me I have seen more Butler movies than you did. Of course you might disagree and I respect that but please try to see the movie Please! as well, for instance. Another great movie. I am just..I always liked Pitt as an actor but he was either underappreciated or overappreciated. He plays in Meet Joe Black and everybody says he can’t act. Then he does one cult movie and everyone declares he is a brilliant actor. He is a decent actor. I have always had more than my favorite actor anyway. How can I pick one when there is Jack Nicholson or James Spader or Kevin Bacon out there;)
I always say that Brad Pitt is my favorite actor but I never say he is better than Russell Crowe. So if you say Butler with 10 movies is diversed than Pitt then you clearly have not seen the following movies:
*12 Monkeys
*Interview With The Vampire
*Spy Game
*7 years in Tibet
*The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
*Babel(though i thought it was a little boring)
*Inglorious Basterds(this one is a masterpiece)
*Burn After Reading
*Fight Club
After watching these movies, if you can say Butler’s better then I will not say one more word. All Butler do is cookie-cutter compared to Pitt’s stuff. And I personally fail to see anything wrong with Meet Joe Black(7 on Imdb). And what makes him a better actor is that he made fun movies(mr and mrs smith,troy, 0cean’s 11,12,13,the mexican) besides masterpieces. And don’t even count all those movie, his performance in 12 monkeys is more than butler’s ever done imo. And yes you maybe…just maybe saw more butler movies than me.
P.S Pitt never cheated on Aniston, it was a rumor(by 3 movies probably).
Actually apart from Babel and Inglorious basterds, I have seen all Pitt movies you mentioned. I have a feeling Babel will be a little boring, so it is not a priority and I am not that willing to see the bastards because I really don’t like Tarantino movies. Meet Joe Black is not by any means bad. I was just saying what critics and others went about saying for Pitt. I like Brad. Not just as much as you;)
How do you know he didn’t cheat? I can’t know for sure and you can’t know for sure. But the timing fits and I don’t have a hard time imagining a guy falling for Jolie. She is hot, when she is not too skinny.
A little mistake on the upper comment, I meant you probably saw 3 Butler movies more than me. If this helps, Pitt=1 golden globe win, 2 oscar nom. And if you’ve not seen the Pitt movies I mentioned, please at least check them on imdb or RT.
*12 Monkeys
*Interview With The Vampire
*Spy Game
*The Curious Case of Benjamin Button*Snatch
*Fight Club
If you’ve seen this movies and think that the guy from The Ugly Truth, phantom of opera, nim’s island, gamer, 300,Law Abiding Citizen is better(mind it i like butler and his movies),then I have nothing to say because you are the first out of at least 15 persons I asked. The arguement I think ends here.
P.S Tarantino is awesome but he’s not for girl’s i guess.
jennifer looks so lovely on the poster 🙂
She is lovely. And Clive Owen is just gorgeous. And I can’t believe I thought he was totally unattractive before. See, I like good guys. When he played an idiot, I didn’t like him. Now he plays a father who really loves his daughter and I am totally in love/lust;) My mom is joking that I am cheating on Gerard Butler with Clive Owen:) I wish,right???:d