What is your favorite thing about England- or Britain for that matter? My answer is simple: DEF LEPPARD.
Def Leppard was founded in 1977, in Sheffield. It consisted of 5 guys who chose to become musicians instead of opting for working in a factory-luckily for both them and us. Today the band still maintains three of the 5 original line-up and keeps on rocking. They’re huge, they are glamorous and well; they rock. How they go to be big, and how they reached their current line-up and most of all how they kept together amaze the fans that know the whole story. Here we go:

I am really not going to go into specific dates. The point is Willis was the first and last to be kicked out of the band. Phil Collen replaced Willis. With Collen’s arrival, and probably also with the times, glam really showed its presence.

So you have a bunch of rockers who perform to big audiences, sell a good number of records and have an increasing number of fans.
But then something terrible happened. And terrible is possibly the understatement of the year.
Drummer Rick Allen had a car accident that cost him an arm. An amazing thing is they all coped with together. More amazingly, Rick continued to play in the band-as the drummer, having designed a drum kit that tranfers the function of the lost arm to be used by his foot.

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Fun Rock Poll for Rock Fans
My favourite Def Leppard’s album was Hysteria. I also must say their long hair was my favourite too 😀
Def Leppard’s Hysteria was their first album after the tragic car accident which left their drummer Rick Allen with one arm.
And i started to listen them more carefully i feel like i must listen to them.And we should know, they made 80’s…