I have been a fan of Keanu Reeves ever since I saw Speed. I guess it is not a surprise, since he became the ultimate name for box office hits after that exciting action flick. But he is not simply an action hero. Yeah, he has fought and kicked as in Point Break, Speed, the Matrix triology and Street Kings. He has done somes spooky thrillers: He has been the villain; a psycho serial killer in The Watcher and somewhat the victim in The Devil’s Advocate. He has done his share of independent movies. He has proven to be good at romantic roles. Have you seen “A Walk in the Clouds” or “The Lake House“. Oh of course we have Sweet November on the sappy side. He has also played a male hustler, sleeping with men and claiming to be heterosexual; and hence not returning the affections and love of his best friend/fellow hustler friend. So here we have a guy who has taken on a variety of roles, in a vast variety of genres. Yet there are many people who find his acting flat and his facial expressions limited. Well, I am in the group that thinks Keanu is a talented actor. Sure it must have helped that he is handsome in an exotic way-being born to a Chinese/Hawaiian father and an English mother and all that. But you do not get his career without talent and hard work.
He has had some disappointments in his career. Not all his movies got the same good reaction. He has had his first TV appearance when he was 20. Keanu has been on screen for 25 years n0w. Yep, he is 45 now. He keeps up the interesting and challenging roles. He doesn’t mind taking smaller parts. And I have been following his movies. The movies aren’t all perfect. But they are never dull.
Yet he has another quality that admire. I don’t really see that much of him in the press. Don’t get me wrong, I love reading about actors. I love seeing their pictures, the latest news on their movies and it never hurts to see the lovely houses they live in. But I don’ t really care that much about who they date. Sure, it is interesting to see the couplings they form and all that. After all, it is fun to see beautiful people hooking up with beautiful people. But it gets really annoying when it is in your face all the time. I am so sick of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. It is like you can’t escape them. But I never knew that much about Keanu’s private life.Not even close. And I’m pretty happy about this. He is an actor. His on-screen chemistry with his co-star is a much bigger deal. The scripts he picks, the roles he takes on, the stunts he does himself…Now, those are the stuff. He is an actor. And I think even the fact that people are arguing over his acting ability rather than who he dates and how long he dates her is better. It is much more relevant.
Yes, I think he is gorgeous. Yes, I think he can act. Here are some suggestions to test my statements:
1) Speed- for action
2) A Walk in the Clouds- for some old-fashioned romance
3) The Watcher– watch out for his bad guy. Well, if we are still not on the same page, it is ok. Because even if you think he is not a good actor, you have loved at least a couple of his movies. He has provided good entertainment. For 25 years. And that’s something to admire…

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He can!!