Dogstar vs BON JOVI & KEANU REEVES vs Jon Bon Jovi
Do you know Dogstar? Keanu Reeves played the bass and toured with the band for 11 years. The band was founded in 1991 and broke up in 2002. But Keanu has been in movies since 1985.

Dogstar even has a picture with Bon Jovi, at the backstage of a concert where the band performed as the supporting act. And how many of you think Jon Bon Jovi as an actor? Sure, he has done some interesting films like The Leading Man and Little City but to most people, he is a rocker, a musician, the frontman of his band Bon Jovi. Keanu Reeves always remained as an actor who liked to play bass and play rocker in his free time to his fans and the name Jon Bon Jovi can sell shitloads of concert tickets but it ain’t that strong when it comes to box office.

KEVIN BACON vs The Bacon Brothers
Kevin Bacon has a band called The Bacon Brothers where he plays with his brother Michael. They have 3 albums but I didn’t even have a clue before I watched a special on the actor’s life. His movies? His movies are good. He is a theater trained actor who can play the good guys (Footloose, a classic dance movie) but thanks to Hollywood, he made a name for himself as the actor who best plays the bad guys. He has played good guys (Footloose, She’s Having a Baby, wrongly convicted and/or sexually molested prisoners (Murder in the First, Sleepers), kidnappers , murderers…the list goes on. You probably heard of Mystic River, JFK, A Few Good Men, Flatliners, Stir of Echoes… Did you by any chance get a hold of his albums? I actually heard him play during that show about his life. He sings and he is good. But it is OK. I know quite a lot of singers with great voices. But I think Kevin Bacon is a uniquely talented actor. I for one am glad he stuck with his acting career.

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I agree Kevin Bacon is a great actor, he is also a terrific songwriter. His lyrics are moving and powerful. The wonderful thing for us is that he gets to do both! His band actually has 6 CDs out now and they just keep refining their art and getting better all the time. Seeing them live is a definite treat…if you ever get the chance, go!! You can also listen to full songs on their website baconbros dot come. Enjoy!!
Thank you so much for the info, I appreciate it. Didn’t have the chance to see them live. Where did you catch them?
You can find their tour schedule on their website, mentioned above baconbros . com.
This year I’ve seen them on Long Island, NYC and Camden, NJ. You should definitely check them out when they are in your area. You will be impressed!!!
Perfect, thanks!
I had no idea about Kevin Bacon as a musician. I’ve enjoyed most of his films. Fascinating. Cool blog.
Thanks. This is why I love watching life stories of actors. It gives us info on all aspects of their lives. The program also showed how he met his wife Kyra Sedgwick. They have such a cute story 🙂
I have grown up listening to Bon Jovi so when I got a chance to see them live it was the most memorable experience for me. I unfortunately missed the concert last year coz tickets were already sold out. Lately someone recommended a great site:
So I can’t wait to see them again!!!
I always knew that keanu Reeves has a band. 🙂
I know you love Bon Jovi. I, myself, love many of his songs. But, I don’t think he has a natural talent as an actor…
About Kevin Bacon, that’s new, for me, knowing about his band. I am not a fan of Kevin, but I do like the movie Stir of Echoes. In my opinion, that was his best performance.
Yep, Reeves had a band. I listened to one of his recordings and it didn’t sound like my cup of tea and I really have enough favorite bands. I’d rather have him as an actor.;)
Jon may not be a natural but he is actually pretty ok. You should see Little City and The Leading Man. Moonlight and Valentino is not bad either. The roles just suit him.
Bacon is…well, I think he can be pretty terrific when he wants to be. I don’t mind checking out the movie just for him. My favorites are Death Sentence, “He said, she said” (great romcom by the way-) and …. No wait, I should probably name the movies I don’t like because I like a good deal of Bacon movies;)